Leadership Groups
Research Strategy Leads
Charge: To oversee all aspects of the development of the SPARCA.
Jennifer A. Drake, Acting Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Jeffrey Potteiger, Interim Dean, College of Health Professions, Provost Cabinet Lead
Jennifer Moore, Associate Professor of Biology, Interim Assistant Vice Provost, The Graduate School, Faculty Lead
Stacie Behler, Vice President and Chief Public Relations and Communications Officer
Linda Chamberlain, Director, Technology Commercialization Office
Susan Mendoza, Director, Undergraduate Research and Scholarship
Stuart Jones, Executive Director, Annis Water Resources Institute
Lesley Slavitt, Executive Director, Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy
Eric Bellmore, Director, Academic Research Computing
Donovan Anderson, Interim Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Marouane Kessentini, Dean, College of Computing
Robert Smart, Vice Provost for Research Administration and Executive Director, Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence - Advisory Council
Merritt DeLano-Taylor, Presidential Fellow of Research and Innovation - Advisory Council
Research Advisory Consortium - Infrastructure
Charge: To provide expertise and identify the needed equipment, facilities, and human resource support structures.
Eric Bellmore, Director, Academic Research Computing
Eric Kunnen, Senior Director, IT Innovation and Research
Aaron Perry, Lab Director, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Karl Brakora, Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Equipment/Space Specialist
Theresa Bacon Baguley, Associate Dean, College of Health Professions, Equipment/Space Specialist
Jen Kamradt, Grants Accounting Manager, Business and Finance
Jeffrey Daniels, Associate Librarian, University Libraries
Ben Vesper, Director, Office of Research Compliance and Integrity
Kim Squiers, Director, Sponsored Programs, Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence
Kevin Lehnert, Professor, Seidman College of Business and Chair, Institutional Review Board
Frank Sylvester, Professor, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Chair, Institutional Animal Care and Use
Colin Brander, Director, Environmental Health and Safety
Scott Whisler, Director of Planning and Project Delivery, Facilities Planning
Robert Smart, Vice Provost for Research Administration and Executive Director, Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence - Advisory Council
Research Advisory Consortium - Dean's Council
Charge: To understand administrative needs and aspirations of faculty and student scholarship (e.g., what would they need to support an increase in activity in their domain related to faculty and student research (e.g., staffing, course releases/sabbaticals, changes in policy, graduate program offerings, graduate assistantships, etc.)).
Donovan Anderson, Interim Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Diana Lawson, Dean, Seidman College of Business
Marouane Kessentini, Dean, College of Computing
Sherril Soman, Dean, College of Education and Community Innovation
Tim Born, Interim Dean, Padnos College of Engineering
Jeffrey Potteiger, Interim Dean, College of Health Professions
Mark Schaub, Dean, Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies
Linda Lewandowski, Dean, Kirkhof College of Nursing
Annie Bélanger, Dean, University Libraries
Erica Hamilton, Interim Dean, Graduate School
Research Advisory Consortium - Extramural and Transdisciplinary Landscape
Charge: To understand the opportunities outside of the institution that could be leveraged around State, Federal, and Local partnerships, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, transdisciplinary work, community engagement, innovation and commercialization to support growth of the research enterprise.
Linda Chamberlain, Director, Technology Commercialization Office
Stacie Behler, Vice President and Chief Public Relations and Communications Officer
Christine Rener, Vice Provost for Instructional Development and Innovation and Director, Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center
Susan Mendoza, Director, Undergraduate Research and Scholarship
Travus Burton, Director, Civic Learning and Community Engagement
Robert Smart, Vice Provost for Research Administration and Executive Director, Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence - Advisory Council
Research Advisory Consortium - Faculty Scholarship
Charge: To provide expertise and identify the needed resources to support the SPARCA.
Alice Chapman, Professor, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Amanda Dillard, Professor, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ryan Otter, Professor, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ana Gonzalez, Associate Professor, Seidman College of Business
Ben Walsh, Associate Professor, Seidman College of Business
Robert Adams, Associate Dean, College of Computing
Zachary DeBruine, Assistant Professor, College of Computing
Joshua Bishop, Associate Professor, College of Education and Community Innovation
Julia Snider, Assistant Professor, College of Education and Community Innovation
Ozgur Cakmak, Assistant Professor, Padnos College of Engineering
Abishek Kamaraj, Assistant Professor, Padnos College of Engineering
Sarah Nechuta, Associate Professor, College of Health Professions
Wil Rankinen, Associate Professor, College of Health Professions
Jeremiah Cataldo, Professor, Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies
Griff Griffin, Professor, Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies
Kathy Moran, Associate Dean, Kirkhof College of Nursing
Christina Quick, Associate Professor, Kirkhof College of Nursing
Sarah Joseph, Assistant Librarian, University Libraries
Samantha Minnis, Assistant Librarian, University Libraries
Matthew Ruen, Associate Librarian, University Libraries and Chair, Faculty Research and Development Committee
Merritt DeLano-Taylor, Presidential Fellow of Research and Innovation - Advisory Council
Research Strategy Writing
Charge: To provide reviewable drafts and the final version of the SPARCA.
A collaborative group of faculty and administrative leaders. To be determined.