Protocols and details regarding unit personnel meetings

Last updated: December 2024


Face-to-face meetings

Virtual meetings

Preparation and distribution of meeting agenda

Follows the process in BOT policy 4.2.10.

Same as face-to-face meetings.

Voting on personnel actions

Occurs at the end of the deliberation, as described in BOT policy 4.2.10.

Same as face-to-face meetings, but uses electronic voting.  (See below.)

Attendance at meetings

All regular faculty are expected to attend the meeting, except for those on sabbatical or leave. Faculty are expected to be present for the entire meeting (discussion, deliberation, vote). 

Same as face-to-face meetings, while “to attend” is interpreted as “virtually”, as described below.

It is recommended that the meeting is set up so that each attendee first arrives in a waiting room and is let in by the meeting chair.

Virtual attendance (requirements for two-way audio and visual)


All attendees are expected to have their video camera on for the duration of the meeting, and for their two-way audio to work. The meeting chair may allow a camera to be off, if there are technical difficulties. Microphones can be off if a meeting participant is not speaking.

Before any meeting, faculty should ensure that their video camera works properly, or have GVSU supply a new camera.

Because the content of the meeting is highly sensitive, participants should ensure that they and the meeting audio cannot be overheard by others. Joining the meeting from their on-campus office, or a similar private location on- or off-campus, is appropriate.

Chat feature/passing of notes or texts

Meeting participants should not pass notes during the meetings, nor communicate by texts.

Any chat feature in the platform should be disabled during the meeting. Meeting participants should not communicate by text during the meeting.

Attendance to vote

All voting faculty (as defined in BOT 4.2.10.B) are expected to be present for the entire meeting. In order to vote, the faculty member must be in attendance at the time of the vote.

Same as face-to-face meetings, while “in attendance” is interpreted as “virtually”.


Quorum is defined in BOT A quorum check should occur at the beginning of the meeting.

Same as face-to-face meetings.

Unit meetings that take multiple days

If this has to occur, the attendance to vote protocol still applies.

Same as face-to-face meetings.

Approval of online platform by the Office of the Provost


Any platform noted by I.T. is approved. As of June 2021, that is Zoom, Collaborate Ultra, and Google Meet. For the most current information, see:

Microsoft Teams is also approved.

To have other platforms approved, contact the Office of the Provost.

Recording of meetings

As noted in BOT 4.2.10, “Electronic or Mechanical recording is not permitted at any time during Personnel Committee meetings.”

Same as face-to-face meetings. In particular, any recording feature in online platforms shall not be used.

AI Companion on Zoom (and similar AI tools to capture and analyze voice and text)

Both BOT (regarding unit meetings for personnel actions) and BOT (regarding college personnel committee meetings) state that electronic or mechanical recording is not permitted at any time during the meeting.  AI tools fall under this prohibition, and their use is not allowed during face-to-face personnel meetings, including college personnel meetings.

Both BOT (regarding unit meetings for personnel actions) and BOT (regarding college personnel committee meetings) state that electronic or mechanical recording is not permitted at any time during the meeting.  AI tools fall under this prohibition, and their use is not allowed during virtual personnel meetings, including college personnel meetings.

Availability of candidate during the deliberation phase

Candidates should remain easily reachable in case the Unit Head asks them to rejoin the meeting.

Candidates should remain easily reachable (e.g., in a Zoom breakout room) in case the Unit Head asks them to rejoin the meeting virtually.

Approval of online anonymous voting by the Office of the Provost


The following are approved for online voting.  To seek approval of other polling options, contact the Office of the Provost:

  • Zoom
  • Blackboard
  • Qualtrics
  • Mentimeter

For all polling methods, the meeting chair must ensure that:

  • Voting is anonymous, although the meeting chair can know who voted
  • Only valid voters can vote, including the unit head
  • Each valid voter does not vote more than once

Best practice is to hold a practice vote with the department at some time before the first personnel meeting of the year.

When feasible, it is recommended that a neutral party, such as a PSS, oversee the vote.

Archiving of ballots

Ballots should be retained until the personnel decision is resolved, and then shredded.

The meeting chair should retain screenshots of voting results.

Reporting of vote results to the candidate and the unit

The Unit Head should inform the candidate and the unit before the end of the workday. Vote results do not need to be announced at the meeting and can be sent afterwards by e-mail. Best practice is to inform the candidate directly first.

Same as face-to-face meetings. To have a short virtual meeting between the unit head and the candidate to inform the candidate directly first is appropriate.

Lack of adherence to these protocols should be brought to the attention of the Dean of the college or university libraries.

For any questions about these protocols, contact Senior Associate Vice President Ed Aboufadel ([email protected]).

Page last modified December 19, 2024