Course Drop/Add and Refund Schedule

All deadlines listed on this page are at 5:00 p.m. on the day listed and apply to full session courses. For part of term courses, refund deadlines can be found by using the searchable course schedule or by contacting the Registrar’s Office at (616) 331-3327 or email [email protected].

Before a student withdraws from any courses, there are many factors to be considered. Students should talk with their advisor, or they can reach out to any advising centers. Students should then think about the following points: 

  • Being enrolled in classes is a requirement for on-campus residency eligibility.  If a student lives on campus and withdraws from all of their classes, they will be required to move out of their on-campus assignment within 3 business days. 

  • If a student has loans, scholarships, or grants and withdraws from all their classes, GVSU policy or federally mandated calculations will determine how much aid they are allowed to keep for the semester. For federal financial aid, the calculation depends on the late date of academic activity or engagement in the course and not just their withdrawal date.  For more information, please visit the Financial Aid website.  

  • If a student wishes to withdraw from all courses in the current semester and future semesters via self-service Banner, they need to choose each semester and withdraw from classes for that semester.   

  • These factors apply to both undergraduate and graduate students who are considering withdrawing from their courses. 


If students have any further questions or need assistance in withdrawing from courses, they can reach out to the Registrar’s Office at (616) 331-3327 or [email protected] during our office hours: 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday. 

Winter 2025

To Add a Course to Your Schedule


Signatures & Forms Required

Important Information

Before 5 p.m. on January 10

Registration can be completed in myBanner or by using the Registration Drop/Add Form

No signatures are required during registration unless a student has a hold on their account.

Students can check on their assigned registration date by reviewing our When To Register information. New students will register at Orientation.

In some instances students may need to request a registration override to register for a particular course.

After 5 p.m. on January 10

Students must obtain the signature of their instructor, department chair, and the dean of their college on the Registration Drop/Add Form to register.

To register for classes students must submit a Registration Drop/Add form. If possible, please download the form directly from the website, complete it and save it on your computer, and then email to faculty to streamline the process. Late registration is subject to late fees.

Please note that courses within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing, and the Seidman College of Business have additional late registration requirements. 

To Drop a Course from Your Schedule


Signatures & Forms Required

Important Information

Before 5 p.m. on January 10 (full semester)

Drops can be completed in myBanner or by using the Registration Drop/Add Form

Courses dropped before this time do not appear on a student's transcript.

After 5 p.m. on January 10th and Before 5 p.m. on March 21st (full semester)

Withdrawals can be completed in myBanner or by using the Registration Drop/Add Form

Courses dropped during this period will receive a grade of 'W' which means "withdrawal" and are included on transcripts, but not calculated into a student's GPA.

After 5 p.m. on March 21st and Before 5 p.m. on April 18th (full semester)

Withdrawals can be completed using the Undergraduate Complete Withdrawal Form (to withdraw from all of your classes) or the Late Withdrawal Request (to withdraw from one or more of your classes). The Late Withdrawal Request requires the signatures of the instructor, chair of the department, and the Director of the Student Academic Success Center; it also requires a letter of support from the instructor or chair and your explanation of the withdrawal request.

During this period students can drop their entire schedule using the complete withdrawal form or students can drop a particular course by following the Late withdrawal process. The late withdrawal process requires the signature of the instructor, chair of the department, and a letter of support from the instructor or chair, as well as your explanation of the withdrawal request. It should be submitted to the Director of the Student Academic Success Center (SASC). Please send the form and all supporting documentation to [email protected].

Students with financial aid are advised to speak with the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships before dropping a course.

Students living in campus housing are advised to speak with Housing if dropping below full-time.

Tuition Refund Schedule for Full Semester Courses


Refund Percentage

Important Information

Before 5 p.m. on January 10 (full semester)


This is the last day a student can drop a course for the semester and receive a 100% refund on their tuition.

After 5 p.m. on January 10 and Before 5 p.m. on January 31st (full semester)


This period is the last time a student can withdraw from a course and receive a 75% tuition refund.

This includes changing sections of the same course number.

After 5 p.m. on January 31st and Before 5 p.m. on April 19th (full semester)

No Refund 

Students who pursue a Late Withdrawal through Student Academic Success Center will also receive no refund on their tuition.

Additional information regarding tuition may be found on the Student Accounts webpage.

All deadlines listed on this page are at 5:00 p.m. on the day listed and apply to full session courses. For part of term courses, refund deadlines can be found by using the searchable course schedule or by contacting the Registrar’s Office at (616) 331-3327 or email [email protected].

Page last modified March 5, 2025