Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Accounting Minor | None | Minor in Accounting (ACC) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting | Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) | Accounting - BBA (ACC) | None | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Master of Science in Accounting | Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.), Master of Science (M.S.) | Accounting - Combined MSA/BBA (ACCC) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Science in Accounting | Master of Science in Accounting (M.S.A.) | Accounting - MS (ACC) | Auditing (AUDT), Taxation (TAX) | Course Catalog |
Advertising and Public Relations
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Advertising and Public Relations Minor | None | Minor in Advertising and Public Relations (APR) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Advertising and Public Relations | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Advertising and Public Relations - BA/BS (APR) | Advertising (ADV), Public Relations (PRL) | Course Catalog |
Africana Studies
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Africana Studies Minor | None | Minor in African/African American Studies (AAA) | None | Course Catalog |
Aging and Adult Life
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Aging and Adult Life Minor | None | Minor in Aging and Adult Life (AGE) | None | Course Catalog |
Allied Health Sciences
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Allied Health Science | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Allied Health Sciences - BS (AHSC) | General Allied Health Sciences (GALH), Health Professional Degree Completion (HPDC), Histotechnology (HITC), Pre-Physical Therapy Studies (PTS), Pre-Physician Assistant Studies (PPA), Social Science (SSCI) | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Science in Applied Food and Nutrition | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Applied Food and Nutrition - BS (AFN) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Advanced American Sign Language | None | Badge in Advanced ASL (HLAA) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Foundational American Sign Language | None | Badge in Foundational ASL (HLFA) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Anthropology Minor | None | Minor in Anthropology (ANT) | None | Course Catalog |
Applied Anthropology, Undergraduate Certificate | None | Applied Anthropology (ANAA) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Anthropology | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Anthropology - BA/BS (ANT) | None | Course Catalog |
Applied Computer Science
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Combined Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Master of Science in Applied Computer Science | Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Science (M.S.) | Combined BS in Information Technology and MS in Applied Computer Science (CSTC) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Biomedical Informatics | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Data Mining Fundamentals | None | Badge in Data Mining Fundamentals (CIMF) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Database Fundamentals | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Database Management | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Digital Forensics Fundamentals | None | Badge in Digital Forensics Fundamentals (CIDF) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Distributed Computing | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Information Security Fundamentals | None | Badge in Information Security Fundamentals (CIIS) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Information Systems Management | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Information Systems Project Management Fundamentals | None | Badge in Information Systems Project Management Fundamentals (CIPM) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Information Visualization Fundamentals | None | Badge in Information Visualization Fundamentals (CIVF) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Mobile Application Fundamentals | None | Badge in Mobile Application Fundamentals (CIMA) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Networking Fundamentals | None | Badge in Networking Fundamentals (CINF) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Networking Principles | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Object-Oriented Programming Principles | None | Badge in Object-Oriented Programming (CIOO) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Software Design and Development | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Software Engineering | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Web and Mobile Computing | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Web Application Fundamentals | None | Badge in Web Application Fundamentals (CIWA) | None | Course Catalog |
Data Science Minor | None | Minor in Data Science (DTSC) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Science in Applied Computer Science | Master of Science (M.S.) | Applied Computer Science - MS (ACS) | Biomedical Informatics (CSBM), Cybersecurity (CSCS), Database Management (CSDM), Distributed Computing (CSDC), Information Systems Management (CSIN), Software Design and Development (SFTD), Software Engineering (CSSE), Web and Mobile Computing (CSMC) | Course Catalog |
Applied Statistics
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Master of Science in Applied Statistics | Master of Science (M.S.) | Applied Statistics - MS (ASTA) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Arabic Minor | None | Minor in Arabic (ARA) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Archaeology Minor | None | Minor in Archaeology (ARC) | None | Course Catalog |
Athletic Training
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Combined Bachelor of Science in Allied Health Science General Emphasis and Master of Athletic Training | Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Athletic Training (M.A.T.) | Combined Degree in Allied Health Science - General and Master of Athletic Training (ATGC) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Athletic Training | Master of Athletic Training (M.A.T.) | Athletic Training - MAT (ATHT) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) | Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) | Audiology - A.u.D (HRG) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing - RN to B.S.N. | Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) | Nursing - RN-BSN (NURX) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Second Degree | Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) | Nursing - BSN (NUR) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Traditional | Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) | Nursing - BSN (NUR) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Biochemistry - BS (BIC) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Applied Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Natural Resources, Undergraduate Certificate | None | Applied GIS in Natural Resources, Undergraduate Certificate (AGIS) | None | Course Catalog |
Minor in Aquatic Sciences | None | Minor in Aquatic Sciences (AQS) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Biology | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Biology - BA/BS (BIO) | Biomolecular Processes (BMP), Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB), General Biology (GENB), Preprofessional (PPRO), Preveterinary Medicine (VET) | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | None | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Biology | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | None | None | Course Catalog |
Biology Minor | None | Minor in Biology (BIO), Minor in Biology Teaching (BIOT) | None | Course Catalog |
Environmental Science Minor | None | Environmental Science Minor (ENVS) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Science in Biology | None | Biology - MS (BIO) | Aquatic Sciences (AQS), Natural Resources (NRS) | Course Catalog |
Master of Science in Water Resource Policy | Master of Science (M.S.) | None | None | Course Catalog |
Biomedical Sciences
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Biomedical Sciences - BS (BIOS) | None | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Health Science in Biomedical Sciences | None | Biomedical Sciences - BS (BIOS), Biomedical Sciences - MHS (BIOS) | General Studies (GENS), Research (RSH) | Course Catalog |
Master of Health Sciences in Biomedical Sciences | None | Biomedical Sciences - MHS (BIOS) | General Studies (GENS), Research (RSH) | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Master of Science in Biostatistics | None | Biostatistics - MS (BSTA) | None | Course Catalog |
Business (General)
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Business Administration | Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) | None | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Business Administration in General Business | Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) | Business (General) - BBA (BUS) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Business Analytics | None | Badge in Business Analytics (BUAN) | None | Course Catalog |
Business Fundamentals, Undergraduate Certificate | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Business Minor | None | Minor in General Business (BUS) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in ERP for Business Majors | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in ERP for Non-Business Majors | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
International Business Minor | None | Minor in International Business (IB) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Business Administration | Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) | Business Administration - MBA (BUS) | Finance (FIN), Health Sector Management (HSM), International Business (IB), Sustainable Enterprise (SEN), Technology and Innovation (TCHI) | Course Catalog |
Business Administration
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Business Administration in General Management | Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) | General Management - BBA (GNM) | None | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Business Administration and Juris Doctor | Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.), Juris Doctorate (J.D.) | None | None | Course Catalog |
Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Undergraduate Certificate | None | Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship, Undergraduate Certificate (MGIE), Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship, Undergraduate Certificate (MGIE), Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship, Undergraduate Certificate (MGIE), Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship, Undergraduate Certificate (MGIE), Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship, Undergraduate Certificate (MGIE), Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship, Undergraduate Certificate (MGIE), Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship, Undergraduate Certificate (MGIE) | Data Science (DSE), Design and Innovation (EGDI), Engineering Management (EM), Environmental (ENVE), Interdisciplinary (INTE), Mechatronics (MECE), Renewable Energy (RENE) | Course Catalog |
Business Economics
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Economics | Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) | Business Economics - BBA (BECO) | General Business (GEN), Honors (BEHN), Real Estate (RE) | Course Catalog |
Cardiovascular Sonography
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Cardiovascular Sonography | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Cardiovascular Sonography - BS (CVS) | None | Course Catalog |
Cell and Molecular Biology
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Cell and Molecular Biology | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Cell and Molecular Biology - BS (CMB) | None | Course Catalog |
Bioinformatics and Genomics Graduate Certificate | None | Bioinformatics and Genomics, Graduate Certificate (CMBI) | None | Course Catalog |
Bioinformatics and Genomics Undergraduate Certificate | None | Bioinformatics and Genomics, Undergraduate Certificate (CMBG) | None | Course Catalog |
Cell and Molecular Biology Minor | None | Minor in Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB) | None | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Cell and Molecular Biology | Master of Science (M.S.) | Cell and Molecular Biology - Combined BS/MS (CMBC) | Biotechnology (BTC) | Course Catalog |
Badge in Advanced Craft Brewing | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Homebrewing Beer | None | Homebrewing Beer (HBRW) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Science in Cell and Molecular Biology | None | Cell and Molecular Biology - MS (CMB) | Biotechnology (BTC), Research (RSH) | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Chemistry - BS (CHM) | None | Course Catalog |
Chemistry Minor | None | Minor in Chemistry (CHM), Minor in Chemistry Teaching (CHMT) | None | Course Catalog |
Green Chemistry Undergraduate Certificate | None | Green Chemistry, Undergraduate Certificate (CHMG) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts in Classics | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) | Classics - BA (CLA), Classics Teaching - BA (CLAX) | Classical Languages (CLL), Classical Studies (CLST), Latin Secondary Education (SEL) | Course Catalog |
Classics Minor | None | Minor in Classics (CLA) | None | Course Catalog |
Clinical Dietetics
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Combined Bachelor of Science in Applied Food and Nutrition and Master of Science in Clinical Dietetics | Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Science (M.S.) | Combined Bachelor of Science in Applied Food and Nutrition and Master of Science in Clinical Dietetics - BS/MS (CDC) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Science in Clinical Dietetics | Master of Science (M.S.) | Clinical Dietetics - MS (CD) | None | Course Catalog |
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Communication Sciences and Disorders - BS (CSD) | None | Course Catalog |
Communication Studies
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Communication Studies | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) | Communication Studies - BA/BS (CMS) | None | Course Catalog |
Combined Degree Programs in Communication | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Digital Media, Undergraduate Certificate | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Science in Communication | Master of Science (M.S.) | Communications - MS (COM) | None | Course Catalog |
Minor in Applied Communication | None | Minor in Applied Communication (ACOM) | None | Course Catalog |
Minor in Communication and Public Advocacy | None | Minor in Communication and Public Advocacy (CMPA) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Social Media and Analytics | None | Social Media and Analytics (SMA) | None | Course Catalog |
Computer Science
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Computer Science - BS (CS) | None | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Master of Science in Applied Computer Science | Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Science (M.S.) | Combined Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Master of Science in Applied Computer Science - BS/MS (CSCC) | None | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Master of Science in Cybersecurity | Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Science (M.S.) | Combined Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Master of Science in Cybersecurity - BS/MS (CBCC) | None | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Master of Science in Data Science and Analytics | Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Science (M.S.) | Combined Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Master of Science in Data Science and Analytics - BS/MS (DSCC) | None | Course Catalog |
Computer Science Minor | None | Minor in Computer Science (CS) | None | Course Catalog |
Criminal Justice
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Criminal Justice - BA/BS (CJ) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Victim Advocacy and Services | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Criminal Justice Minor | None | Minor in Criminal Justice (CJ) | None | Course Catalog |
Juvenile Justice Minor | None | Minor in Juvenile Justice (JUV) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Science in Criminal Justice | None | Criminal Justice - MS (CJ) | None | Course Catalog |
Cybersecurity (Graduate)
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Badge in Cybersecurity | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Science in Cybersecurity | Master of Science (M.S.) | Cybersecurity - MS (CBS) | None | Course Catalog |
Cybersecurity (Undergraduate)
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Cybersecurity - BS (CBS) | None | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity and Master of Science in Cybersecurity | Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Science (M.S.) | Cybersecurity - Combined BS/MS (CBSC) | None | Course Catalog |
Cybersecurity Minor | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts in Dance | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Dance - BA/BS (DAN) | None | Course Catalog |
Dance Minor | None | Minor in Dance (DAN) | None | Course Catalog |
Data Science and Analytics
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Applied Data Analytics, Undergraduate Certificate | None | Applied Data Analytics, Undergraduate Certificate (DAT) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Data Analytics | None | Badge in Data Analytics (CIDA) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Analytics | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | None | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Science in Data Science and Analytics | Master of Science (M.S.) | Data Science and Analytics - MS (DSA) | None | Course Catalog |
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Diagnostic Medical Sonography - BS (DMS) | Breast Ultrasound (BRU), General Diagnostic Medical Sonography (GEN) | Course Catalog |
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Badge in Telehealth | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Doctor of Nursing Practice | None | Nursing - DNP (NUR) | Adult/Older Adult Clinical (AOAC), Child/Adolescent Clinical (CAC), Family Care NP (FNP), Pediatric Acute Care NP (CAA), Pediatric Dual Care NP (CAD), Psychiatric Mental Health (PMH) | Course Catalog |
Post-M.S.N. Health Systems Leadership Doctor of Nursing Practice | Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) | None | None | Course Catalog |
East Asian Studies
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
East Asian Studies Minor | None | Minor in East Asian Studies (EAS) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Economics | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Economics - BA/BS (ECO), Economics Honors - BA/BS (ECO) | None | Course Catalog |
Economics Minor | None | Minor in Economics (ECO), Minor in Economics Honors (ECOH) | None | Course Catalog |
Real Estate Undergraduate Certificate | None | Real Estate, Undergraduate Certificate (RE) | None | Course Catalog |
Teacher Certification in Economics | None | Minor in Economics Teacher Certification (ECOT) | None | Course Catalog |
Educational Studies
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Educational Studies Major - Elementary Teacher Certification: PK-3 and 3-6 Emphases (General Education) | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Educational Studies (EDST) | 3rd-6th grades (GR36), Pk-6th (GRP3), PreK-3rd grades (GRP3) | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Engineering | Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.) | None | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Major | Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.) | Biomedical Engineering - BSE (EGB) | Electrical (EE), Mechanical (MEC), Product Design and Manufacturing (PDM) | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Computer Engineering Major | Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.) | Computer Engineering - BSE (EGC) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Electrical Engineering Major | Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.) | Electrical Engineering - BSE (EGE) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Interdisciplinary Engineering Major | Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.) | Interdisciplinary Engineering - BSE (EGI) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Major | Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.) | Mechanical Engineering - BSE (EGM) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering Major | Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.) | Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering - BSE (EGD) | Design (EGDE), General Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering (GEN), Manufacturing Systems (MS), Robotics and Controls (RC) | Course Catalog |
Badge in Electromagnetic Compatibility (Graduate) | None | Badge in Electromagnetic Compatibility (Graduate) (EGEM) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Electromagnetic Compatibility (Undergraduate) | None | Badge in Electromagnetic Compatibility (Undergraduate) (EGEC) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Embedded Systems | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Biomedical Engineering Minor | None | Minor in Biomedical Engineering (BEGR) | None | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Engineering | Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.) | Engineering - Combined BSE/MSE (EGRC) | None | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering and Master of Science in Applied Computer Science | Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.), Master of Science (M.S.) | Combined Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering and Master of Science in Applied Computer Science - BSE/MS (CSEC) | None | Course Catalog |
Computer Engineering Minor | None | Minor in Computer Engineering (CSEG) | None | Course Catalog |
Engineering Science Minor | None | Minor in Engineering Science (EGRS) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Science in Engineering | None | Engineering - MSE (EGR) | Biomedical Engineering (BMD), Electrical and Computer Engineering (EEC), Manufacturing and Design Engineering (MND), Mechanical (MEC) | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Applied Linguistics Minor | None | Minor in Applied Linguistics (LNG), Minor in Applied Linguistics (LNGT) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Arts in English | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) | English - BA (ENG), English Teaching - BA (ENGS) | Language and Literature (LL), Language Arts (Elementary Education) (LAE), Secondary Education (SEC) | Course Catalog |
English Minor | None | Minor in English (ENG), Minor in English Teaching (ENGT) | None | Course Catalog |
Environmental and Sustainability Studies
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Sustainability Studies | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Environmental and Sustainability Studies - BA/BS (ENSS) | None | Course Catalog |
Environmental and Sustainability Studies Minor | None | Minor in Environmental and Sustainability Studies (ENSS) | None | Course Catalog |
Sustainable Food Systems Undergraduate Certificate | None | Sustainable Food Systems, Undergraduate Certificate (ENSF) | None | Course Catalog |
Exercise Science
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Exercise Science - BS (EXE) | Exercise Physiology and Sports Performance (EPSP), Health Professions Preparation (HPP), Physical Activity and Health (PAH) | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and Master of Athletic Training | Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Athletic Training (M.A.T.) | Combined Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science Clinical and Master of Athletic Training - BS/MAT (ATHC) | None | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and Master of Public Health | Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) | Combined Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and Master of Public Health - BS/MPH (PHEC), Exercise Science - BS (EXE) | Epidemiology (EPD), Health Fitness Instruction (HFI), Health Promotion (HLP) | Course Catalog |
Film and Video Production
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Film and Video Production | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Film and Video - BA/BS (FVD) | None | Course Catalog |
Film and Video Production Minor | None | Film and Video Minor (FVD) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance | Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) | Finance - BBA (FIN) | None | Course Catalog |
Frederik Meijer Honors College
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Frederik Meijer Honors College Requirements | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts in French | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) | French - BA (FRE), French PK-12 Education - BA (FRES) | Secondary Education (SEC) | Course Catalog |
French Minor | None | Minor in French (FRE), Minor in French PK-12 Teaching (FRES) | None | Course Catalog |
Geography and Sustainable Planning
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Geography | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Geography - BA/BS (GPY) | Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Urban Resiliency Planning (CRP), Environment and Global Development (GEGD), Geospatial Technology (GST), Sustainable Urban and Regional Planning (SURP), Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Urban Resiliency Planning (CRP) | Course Catalog |
Environmental Remote Sensing (RS) Undergraduate Certificate | None | Environmental Remote Sensing (RIS), Undergraduate Certificate (GPRS) | None | Course Catalog |
Geographic Information Science (GIS) and Technology Undergraduate Certificate | None | Geographic Information Science and Technology, Undergraduate Certificate (GIST) | None | Course Catalog |
Geography-Teacher Certification Minor | None | Minor in Geography Teaching (GPYE) | None | Course Catalog |
Geospatial Technology Minor | None | Minor in Geospatial Technology (GSTC) | None | Course Catalog |
Sustainable Urban and Regional Planning Minor | None | Sustainable Urban and Regional Planning Minor (GPRP) | None | Course Catalog |
Undergraduate Certificate in Sustainable Urban and Regional Planning | None | Sustainable Urban and Regional Planning, Undergraduate Certificate (GPRP) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Earth Science | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Earth Science - BS (ESCI) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Science in Geology | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Geology - BS (GEO) | Environmental (EVR) | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Science in Geology-Chemistry | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Geology - Chemistry - BS (GECH) | None | Course Catalog |
Earth Science Minor | None | Minor in Earth Science (ESCI), Minor in Earth Science Teaching (ESCT) | None | Course Catalog |
Geology Minor | None | Minor in Geology (GEO) | None | Course Catalog |
Global Studies and Social Impact
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Global Studies and Social Impact | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Global Studies and Social Impact - BA/BS (GSI) | None | Course Catalog |
Graduate Education
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Educational Specialist Degree in Leadership | Educational Specialist Degree in Leadership (Ed.S) | Leadership - EDS (LDS) | None | Course Catalog |
English to Speakers of Other Languages, Graduate Certificate Program | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Graduate Certificate in Online/Blended Instruction and Assessment | None | Online/Blended Instruction and Assessment, Graduate Certificate (OBIA) | None | Course Catalog |
Graduate Programs in Education | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Graduate Teacher Certification | Master of Education (M.Ed.) | None | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Education in Educational Leadership - Educational Leadership Emphasis | Master of Education (M.Ed.) | Educational Leadership - MED (EDLD) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Education in Educational Leadership - Special Education Administration Emphasis | Master of Education (M.Ed.) | Educational Leadership - MED (EDLD) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Education in Higher Education - Adult and Higher Education Emphasis | Master of Education (M.Ed.) | Higher Education - MED (HED) | Adult and Higher Education (ADU) | Course Catalog |
Master of Education in Higher Education - College Student Affairs Leadership Emphasis | Master of Education (M.Ed.) | Higher Education - MED (HED) | College Student Affairs Leadership (CSA) | Course Catalog |
Master of Education in Instruction and Curriculum - Early Childhood Education Emphasis | Master of Education (M.Ed.) | Instruction and Curriculum - MED (ICUR) | Early Childhood Education (ECE) | Course Catalog |
Master of Education in Instruction and Curriculum - Educational Differentiation Emphasis | Master of Education (M.Ed.) | Instruction and Curriculum - MED (ICUR) | Educational Differentiation (DIF) | Course Catalog |
Master of Education in Instruction and Curriculum - Elementary Education Emphasis | Master of Education (M.Ed.) | Instruction and Curriculum - MED (ICUR) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Education in Instruction and Curriculum - Secondary Level Education Emphasis | Master of Education (M.Ed.) | Instruction and Curriculum - MED (ICUR) | Secondary Level Education (SLV) | Course Catalog |
Master of Education in Learning, Design, and Technology | Master of Education (M.Ed.) | Educational Technology - MED (EDT) | Educational Technology (ETCH), Instructional Design (ID) | Course Catalog |
Master of Education in Literacy Studies - General Literacy Studies Degree Program | Master of Education (M.Ed.) | Literacy Studies - MED (LTST) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Education in Literacy Studies - Reading/Language Arts Emphasis | Master of Education (M.Ed.) | Literacy Studies - MED (LTST) | Reading and Language Arts (RLA) | Course Catalog |
Master of Education in School Counseling | Master of Education (M.Ed.) | School Counseling - MED (CNSL) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Education in Special Education - Autism Spectrum Disorder Emphasis | Master of Education (M.Ed.) | Special Education - MED (SPED) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Education in Special Education - Cognitive Impairment Emphasis | Master of Education (M.Ed.) | Special Education - MED (SPED) | Cognitive Impairment (CI) | Course Catalog |
Master of Education in Special Education - Learning Disabilities Emphasis | Master of Education (M.Ed.) | Special Education - MED (SPED) | Learning Disabilities (LD) | Course Catalog |
Group Social Studies
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Group Social Studies | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Group Social Studies - BA/BS (GPST) | Secondary Education (SEC) | Course Catalog |
Health Administration
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Master of Health Administration | Master of Health Administration (M.H.A.) | Health Administration - MHA (HADM) | Finance (FIN), Hospital Administration (HOAD), Long Term Care Administration (LTAD), Practice Management (XXX), Self-Directed Concentration (SDRC) | Course Catalog |
Health and Physical Education
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Health and Physical Education | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Health and Physical Education (HPES) | None | Course Catalog |
Health Communication
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Health Communication | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Health Communication - BA/BS (HCO) | None | Course Catalog |
Health Informatics and Bioinformatics
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Master of Science in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics | None | Health Informatics and Bioinformatics - MS (HBIN) | None | Course Catalog |
Health Information Management
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Health Information Management - BS (HIM) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in History | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | History - BA/BS (HST), History Teaching - BA/BS (HSTX) | Secondary Education (SEC) | Course Catalog |
Badge in Civic Change Agent | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Public History | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
History Minor | None | Minor in History (HST), Minor in History Teaching (HSTT) | None | Course Catalog |
History of Science Minor | None | Minor in History of Science (HSC) | None | Course Catalog |
Undergraduate Certificate in Medical and Health Humanities | None | Medical and Health Humanities, Undergraduate Certificate (HSMH) | None | Course Catalog |
Hospitality and Tourism Management
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Adventure Tourism Management Minor | None | Minor in Adventure Tourism Management (ATM) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Hospitality and Tourism Management - BS (HTM) | Food and Beverage Management (FMBT), Lodging Management (LOMT), Meeting and Event Management (MEMT), Tourism Management (TOMT) | Course Catalog |
Badge in Cannabis Operations | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Event Sustainability | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Food and Beverage Service | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Cannabis Operations and Community Planning Certificate | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Certificate in Event Sustainability Operations | None | Event Sustainability Operations, Undergraduate Certificate (ESOP) | None | Course Catalog |
Hospitality and Tourism Management Minor | None | Minor in Hospitality Tourism Management (HTM) | None | Course Catalog |
Minor in Cannabis Operations Management | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Minor in Event Sustainability Management | None | Minor in Event Sustainability Management (ESM) | None | Course Catalog |
Human Resource Management
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management | Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) | Human Resource Management - BBA (HRM) | None | Course Catalog |
Human Rights Minor | None | Minor in Human Rights (HRT) | None | Course Catalog |
Information Systems
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Information Systems - BS (INF) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Information Security Fundamentals | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Information Systems Project Management Fundamentals | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Science in Information Systems and Master of Science in Applied Computer Science | Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Science (M.S.) | Combined Bachelor of Science in Information Systems and Master of Science in Applied Computer Science - BS/MS (CSIC) | None | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Science in Information Systems and Master of Science in Cybersecurity | Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Science (M.S.) | Combined Bachelor of Science in Information Systems and Master of Science in Cybersecurity - BS/MS (CBIC) | None | Course Catalog |
Health Care Information Systems Minor | None | Minor in Health Care Information Systems (HLIS) | None | Course Catalog |
Information Security Systems Minor | None | Minor in Information Security Systems (INFS) | None | Course Catalog |
Information Systems Minor | None | Minor in Information Systems (INF) | None | Course Catalog |
Information Technology
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Information Technology - BS (ITCH) | None | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Master of Science in Cybersecurity | Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Science (M.S.) | Combined Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Master of Science in Cybersecurity - BS/MS (CBTC) | None | Course Catalog |
Information Technology Minor | None | Minor in Information Technology (IT) | None | Course Catalog |
Integrative Studies
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Integrative Studies | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Integrative Studies, BA/BS (INST), Integrative Studies, BA/BS (INST) | Leadership Studies (LDST) | Course Catalog |
Badge in Intercultural Competence | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Digital Studies Minor | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Minor in Digital Studies (DS) | None | Course Catalog |
Intercultural Communications Certificate | None | Intercultural Communication, Undergraduate Certificate (GLC) | None | Course Catalog |
Leadership, Undergraduate Certificate | None | Leadership, Undergraduate Certificate (LDR) | None | Course Catalog |
International Relations
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) | International Relations - BA (IR) | None | Course Catalog |
International Relations Minor | None | Minor in International Relations (IR) | None | Course Catalog |
Interprofessional Health Informatics
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Certificate in Interprofessional Health Informatics | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Journalism, Broadcasting and Digital Media
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Journalism, Broadcasting, and Digital Media | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Journalism, Broadcasting, and Digital Media - BA/BS (JBM), Journalism, Broadcasting, and Digital Media - BA/BS (JBM) | None | Course Catalog |
Latin American and Latino/a Studies
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Latin American and Latino/a Studies Minor | None | Minor in Latin American and Latino/a Studies (LALS) | None | Course Catalog |
Latino/a Studies Undergraduate Certificate | None | Latino/a Studies Certificate (IILS) | None | Course Catalog |
Leadership and Business Fundamentals
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Applied Science in Leadership and Business Fundamentals | Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) | Leadership and Business Fundamentals - BAS (LBF) | None | Course Catalog |
Legal Studies
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Legal Studies | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Legal Studies - BA/BS (LSTD) | None | Course Catalog |
Legal Studies Minor | None | Minor in Legal Studies (LSTD) | None | Course Catalog |
Paralegal Studies Certificate | None | Paralegal Studies Certificate (LSPS) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Business Administration in Management | Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) | Management - BBA (MGT) | Management Information Systems (MIS) | Course Catalog |
Management Minor | None | Minor in Management (MGT) | None | Course Catalog |
Project Management, Undergraduate Certificate | None | Project Management (PRMG) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing | Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) | Marketing - BBA (MKT) | Distribution and Logistics (DLO), Professional Sales (PSAL) | Course Catalog |
Marketing Minor | None | Minor in Marketing (MKT) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Sales Fundamentals | None | Badge in Sales Fundamentals (SF) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Technical Sales | None | Badge in Technical Sales (TS) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Science in Nursing
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Master of Science in Nursing | Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.) | Nursing - MSN (NUR) | None | Course Catalog |
Palliative and Hospice Care Graduate Certificate | None | Palliative and Hospice Care, Graduate Certificate (NUPH) | None | Course Catalog |
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Graduate Certificate | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Science in Recreational Therapy
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Master of Science in Recreational Therapy | Master of Science (M.S.) | Recreational Therapy - MS (RTX) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Mathematics | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Mathematics - BA/BS (MTH), Mathematics Secondary Teaching - BA/BS (MTHS) | Applied (APM), Secondary Education (SEC), Theoretical (THM) | Course Catalog |
Mathematics Minor | None | Minor in Mathematics (MTH), Minor in Mathematics - Elementary Education (MTET), Minor in Mathematics - Secondary Education (MTST) | None | Course Catalog |
Medical Dosimetry
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Master of Science in Medical Dosimetry | Master of Science (M.S.) | Medical Dosimetry - MS (RMD) | None | Course Catalog |
Medical Laboratory Science
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Medical Laboratory Science - BS (MLS) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Microbiology | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Microbiology - BS (MIC) | None | Course Catalog |
Middle East Studies
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Middle East Studies Minor | None | Minor in Middle East Studies (MES) | None | Course Catalog |
Modern Languages and Literatures
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts in German | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) | German - BA (GER), German PK-12 Education - BA (GERS) | Secondary Education (SEC) | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) | Spanish - BA (SPA), Spanish PK-12 Teaching - BA (SPAS) | Secondary Education (SEC) | Course Catalog |
Chinese Language Minor | None | Minor in Chinese Language (CHLN) | None | Course Catalog |
German Minor | None | Minor in German (GER), Minor in German PK-12 Teaching (GERS) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Multilingualism | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Spanish Minor | None | Minor in Spanish (SPA), Minor in Spanish PK-12 Teaching (SPAS), Minor in Spanish Teaching - Elementary (SPAE) | None | Course Catalog |
Movement Science
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Minor in Movement Science | None | Minor in Movement Science (MOV) | None | Course Catalog |
Sport Coaching Undergraduate Certificate | None | Sport Coaching, Undergraduate Certificate (PESC) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts in Music | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) | Music - BA (MUS) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Music | Bachelor of Music (B.M.) | Music - BM (MUS) | Instrumental (INM), Keyboard (KEY), Vocal (VCL) | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Music Education | Bachelor of Music Education (B.M.E.) | Music - BME (MUSS) | Instrumental (INM), Vocal/Choral (VOC) | Course Catalog |
Music Minor | None | Minor in Music (MUS) | None | Course Catalog |
Piano Pedagogy Undergraduate Certificate | None | Piano Pedagogy, Undergraduate Certificate (MUPP) | None | Course Catalog |
Natural Resources and Environmental Management
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources and Environmental Management | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Natural Resources and Environmental Management - BS (NREM) | None | Course Catalog |
Natural Resources and Environmental Management Minor | None | Minor in Natural Resources and Environmental Management (NREM) | None | Course Catalog |
Occupational Safety and Health Management
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Occupational Safety and Health Management | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Occupational Safety and Health Management - BS (OSHL) | None | Course Catalog |
Occupational Safety and Health Minor | None | Minor in Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) | None | Course Catalog |
Occupational Therapy
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Combined Master of Science in Occupational Therapy and Post-professional Doctorate in Occupational Therapy | Doctorate in Occupational Therapy (Dr.O.T), Master of Science (M.S.) | Combined Master of Science and Doctorate in Occupational Therapy - MS/DROT (OTC) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Science in Occupational Therapy | Master of Science (M.S.) | Occupational Therapy - MS (OT) | None | Course Catalog |
Post-professional Doctorate in Occupational Therapy | Doctorate in Occupational Therapy (Dr.O.T) | Post Professional Doctorate in Occupational Therapy (OT) | None | Course Catalog |
Operations Management
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Business Administration in Operations Management | Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) | Operations Management - BBA (OPM) | None | Course Catalog |
Palliative and Hospice Care
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Badge in Palliative/Hospice Care Complex Symptom Management | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Palliative/Hospice Care Model | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Elementary Teaching Major (BA/BS)
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Elementary Teaching Major | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Elementary Teaching 3rd-6th (P36), Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Elementary Teaching PreK-3rd (PPK3), Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Elementary Teaching PreK-6th (PPK6) | 3rd-6th English (36E), 3rd-6th Mathematics (36M), 3rd-6th Science (36SC), 3rd-6th Social Studies (36SS), Actuarial Sciences (ACTU), K-12th SPED Endorsement (P3SE), K-12th SPED Endorsement (36SE), K-12th SPED Endorsement (P6SE), PK-12th ESL Endorsement (P3ES), PK-12th ESL Endorsement (36ES), PK-12th ESL Endorsement (P6ES), PK-3rd English (P3E), PK-3rd Mathematics (P3M), PK-3rd Science (P3SC), PK-3rd Social Studies (P3SS), PK-6th English (P6E), PK-6th Mathematics (P6M), PK-6th Science (P6SC), PK-6th Social Studies (P6SS), PK-8th Spanish Endorsement (P3SP), PK-8th Spanish Endorsement (36SP), PK-8th Spanish Endorsement (P6SP) | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) | Philosophy - BA (PHI) | None | Course Catalog |
Philosophy Minor | None | Minor in Philosophy (PHI) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Photography | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Photography - BA/BS (PHO) | None | Course Catalog |
Photography Minor | None | Minor in Photography (PHO) | None | Course Catalog |
Physical Therapy
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Doctor of Physical Therapy | Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) | Physical Therapy - DPT (PTD) | None | Course Catalog |
Physician Assistant Studies
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Master of Physician Assistant Studies | Master of Physician Assistant Studies (M.P.A.S.) | Physician Assistant Studies - MPAS (PAS) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Physics | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Physics - BS (PHY), Physics Teaching - BS (PHYX) | Secondary Education (SEC) | Course Catalog |
Physics Minor | None | Minor in Physics (PHY), Minor in Physics Teaching (PHYT) | None | Course Catalog |
Political Science
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Political Science | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Political Science - BA/BS (PLS) | None | Course Catalog |
Legal Education Admission Program (LEAP), Legal Studies | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Legal Education Admission Program (LEAP), Political Science | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Political Science and Law | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Juris Doctorate (J.D.) | None | None | Course Catalog |
Political Science Minor | None | Minor in Political Science (PLS), Minor in Political Science Teaching (PLST) | None | Course Catalog |
Practical Ethics Minors
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Ethics, Culture, and Society Minor | None | Ethics, Culture, and Society Minor (ETH) | None | Course Catalog |
Health Care Ethics Minor | None | Health Care Ethics Minor (HCE) | None | Course Catalog |
STEM Ethics Minor | None | STEM Ethics Minor (STE) | None | Course Catalog |
Professional Innovation
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Applied Science in Professional Innovation | Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) | Professional Innovation - BAS (PI) | None | Course Catalog |
Professional Science Masters
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Professional Science Master's | Master of Science (M.S.) | None | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Neuroscience | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Behavioral Neuroscience - BA/BS (BHNS) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Psychology | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Psychology - BA/BS (PSY) | None | Course Catalog |
Psychology Minor | None | Minor in Psychology (PSY), Minor in Psychology Teaching (PSYT) | None | Course Catalog |
Public and Nonprofit Administration
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Public and Nonprofit Administration | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Public and Nonprofit Administration - BA/BS (PNA) | Community Development Planning (CDP), Community Health (CHT), Local Economic Development (LED), Nonprofit Management (NPM), Public and Nonprofit Budget (PNB), Public Personnel Management (PPM) | Course Catalog |
Combined B.S./B.A. in Public and Nonprofit Administration and Master of Public Administration Program | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.) | None | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership | Master of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership (M.P.N.L.) | Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership - MPNL (PNL) | Community Impact (CMI), Mission Advancement (MNAD), Nonprofit Healthcare (NPHC) | Course Catalog |
Master of Public Administration | Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.) | Public Administration - MPA (PA) | Criminal Justice (CJ), Health Administration (HADM), Nonprofit Management and Leadership (NPO), Policy Analysis, Advocacy, and Evaluation (PAAE), State, Regional, and Local Governance (SRLG) | Course Catalog |
Nonprofit Administration Minor | None | Minor in Nonprofit Administration (NONP) | None | Course Catalog |
Nonprofit Leadership Graduate Certificate | None | Nonprofit Leadership, Graduate Certificate (PANP) | None | Course Catalog |
Public Administration Minor | None | Minor in Public Administration (PA) | None | Course Catalog |
Public Health
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Combined Bachelor of Science in Allied Health Science General Emphasis and Master of Public Health | Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) | None | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Public Health | Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) | Public Health - MPH (PHL) | Epidemiology (EPD), Health Promotion (HLP) | Course Catalog |
Radiation Therapy
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Radiation Therapy - BS (RTR) | None | Course Catalog |
Recreational Therapy
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Recreational Therapy | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Recreational Therapy - BS (RTX) | None | Course Catalog |
Religious Studies
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Religious Studies Minor | None | Minor in Religious Studies (REL) | None | Course Catalog |
Respiratory Care
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Care - Degree Advancement Program | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Respiratory Care - BS (RSPC) | None | Course Catalog |
School Psychology
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Master of Science and Specialist in School Psychology | Master of Science (M.S.) | School Psychology - MS (SPSY), School Psychology - Psy.S (SPSY) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Science (Secondary) | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Science (SCIS) | None | Course Catalog |
Social Innovation
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Professional Master of Arts in Social Innovation | Master of Arts (M.A.) | Professional Master of Arts in Social Innovation - MA (SI) | None | Course Catalog |
Social Work
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Social Work | Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.) | Social Work - BSW (BSW) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Social Work | Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) | Social Work - MSW (MSW) | None | Course Catalog |
School Social Work Certification | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Sociology | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Sociology - BA/BS (SOC) | None | Course Catalog |
Sociology Minor | None | Minor in Sociology (SOC) | None | Course Catalog |
Speech-Language Pathology
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology | Master of Science (M.S.) | Speech-Language Pathology - MS (SLP) | None | Course Catalog |
Sport Management
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Science in Sport Management | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Sport Management - BS (SPM) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Applied Statistics Minor | None | Minor in Applied Statistics (STAA) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Statistics | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Statistics - BA/BS (STA) | Actuarial Sciences (ACTU) | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Statistics and Master of Science in Data Science and Analytics | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Science (M.S.) | None | None | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Science in Statistics and Master of Science in Applied Statistics | Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Science (M.S.) | Combined Bachelor of Science in Statistics and Master of Science in Applied Statistics - BS/MS (ASTC) | None | Course Catalog |
Combined Bachelor of Science in Statistics and Master of Science in Biostatistics | Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Science (M.S.) | Combined Bachelor of Science in Statistics and Master of Science in Biostatistics - BS/MS (BSTC) | None | Course Catalog |
Mathematical Statistics Minor | None | Minor in Mathematical Statistics (STAM) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in R Programming | None | Badge in R Programming (RPRO) | None | Course Catalog |
Supply Chain Management
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Business Administration in Supply Chain Management | Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) | Supply Chain Management - BBA (SCM) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Badge in Advanced Tax Practice | None | Advanced Tax Practice (BUAT) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Corporate Transactions | None | Corporate Transactions (BUCT) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Foundations of Tax Practice | None | Foundations of Tax Practice (BUFT) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Wealth Planning | None | Wealth Planning (BUWAP) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Science in Taxation | Master of Science in Taxation (M.S.T.) | Taxation - MST (TAX) | None | Course Catalog |
Master of Science in Taxation and Law | Juris Doctorate (J.D.), Master of Science in Taxation (M.S.T.) | None | None | Course Catalog |
Technology Project Management
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Applied Science in Technology Project Management | Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) | Technology Project Management - BAS (TPM) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Theatre | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Theatre - BA/BS (THE) | None | Course Catalog |
Theatre Minor | None | Minor in Theatre (THE) | None | Course Catalog |
Undergraduate Education
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Early Childhood Education Minor | None | Minor in Early Childhood Education (ECE) | None | Course Catalog |
Education for Young Children, Birth to Kindergarten, General and Special Education | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Educator Certification Instructions | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Elementary Teacher Certification (General Education) | None | Minor in Elementary Certification (ELC) | None | Course Catalog |
Elementary Teacher Certification for Grades PK-3 or 3-6 or PK-6 and K-12 - Special Education Major and PCKET Major | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
International Teaching Undergraduate Certificate | None | International Teaching Certificate (EDIT) | None | Course Catalog |
Michigan Professional Certification | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Secondary Teacher Certification - Secondary Education Major: 5-12 and PK-12 Emphases | None | Secondary Education (2nd Major Only) (EDUS) | None | Course Catalog |
Visual and Media Arts
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Art History Minor | None | Minor in Art History (ARTH) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Arts in Art History | None | Art History - BA (ARTH) | None | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Art Education (Teacher Certification) | None | Art Education - BA/BS (ARES) | Ceramics (ECR), Graphic Design (EDGR), Illustration (EILL), Jewelry/Metalsmithing (EJR), Painting (EPN), Printmaking (EPR), Sculpture (ESC), Visual Studies (EVS) | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Studio Art | None | Studio Art - BA/BS (ARTS) | Ceramics (CER), Graphic Design (GRA), Illustration (ILL), Jewelry/Metalsmithing (JLR), Painting (PNT), Printmaking (PRT), Sculpture (SCU), Visual Studies (VST) | Course Catalog |
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art | Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) | Studio Art - BFA (ARTS) | None | Course Catalog |
Studio Art Minor | None | Minor in Studio Art (STD) | None | Course Catalog |
Web Design and Development
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Applied Science in Web Design and Development | Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) | Web Design and Development - BAS (WDD) | None | Course Catalog |
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies - BA/BS (WGSS), Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies - BA/BS (WGSS) | None | Course Catalog |
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Studies Minor | None | Minor in LGBTQ (LGBT) | None | Course Catalog |
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Minor | None | Minor in Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies (WGSS) | None | Course Catalog |
Program Title | Degrees | Acronyms | Emphasis | |
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Writing | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | Writing - BA/BS (WRT) | None | Course Catalog |
Badge in Workplace Technology and Communication | None | None | None | Course Catalog |
Writing Minor | None | Minor in Writing (WRT) | None | Course Catalog |