Veterans Services
VA Educational Benefits
The Registrar’s Office plays a critical role in the distribution of GI Bill® benefits. The VA Certifying Officials report enrollment for all students receiving Veteran’s educational benefits to the VA. We actively support Veterans by providing information to facilitate the process to ensure timely payments. You may contact your VA representative by calling (616) 331-3327 or via email at [email protected]. Additional resources can be found on the Veteran’s Network at
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at
Principles of Good Practice Statement
As a member of the National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC), GVSU adheres to the Statement of Principles of Good Practice that serves as a code of ethics and professional practices and includes the following statement: to avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of unethical behavior, members will not be compensated by commissions, bonuses, or other incentive payments based on the number of students referred, recruited, admitted, or enrolled.
Specifically, GVSU prohibits the fraudulent and aggressive recruitment of military students including, but not limited to, providing compensation to individuals for securing military enrollments or engaging in high-pressure recruitment tactics. This includes a ban on inducements, including any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, transportation, lodging, meals, or other item having a monetary value of more than a de minimis amount, to any individual or entity, or its agents including third party lead generators or marketing firms other than salaries paid to employees or fees paid to contractors in conformity with all applicable laws for the purpose of securing enrollments of Service members or obtaining access to TA funds.
Department of Defense Tuition Assistance (TA)
Students interested in Department of Defense Tuition Assistance (TA) must contact their unit education advisor or installation commander prior to enrollment to determine TA availability and eligibility.
Chapter 31 and Chapter 33 Enrollment and Participation
Any student who demonstrates eligibility under Chapter 31 or Chapter 33 through the Department of Veterans Administration (for example, by providing a certificate of eligibility) will be allowed to enroll, attend, and participate in a course of education pending approval and distribution of funds from the Veterans Administration without incurring late fees or penalties.
Chapter 31 and Chapter 33 Penalty Waiver
Students who receive educational assistance under Chapter 31 through the Department of Veterans Affairs will not be assessed any late fees or deferment fees. Classes will not be cancelled, and students will not be prevented from registering for classes as a result of delayed disbursement of any payment provided through the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Students who receive educational assistance under Chapter 33 through the Department of Veterans Affairs will similarly not be assessed late fees or deferment fees. Students will not be dropped or prevented from registering for classes as a result of delayed disbursement of any payment provided through the Department of Veterans affairs. Students receiving Chapter 33 benefits are encouraged to pay their balance due for tuition, books, housing meal plans, and parking permits using a deferment plan designed specifically for Chapter 33 students. This option is available without paying a deferment fee and the deferment due dates are 30 days later than other students. If a student receiving Chapter 31 or 33 benefits incurs a late or deferment fee prior to receipt of a delayed VA payment, those fees will be removed once payment is received from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Please note that once the University receives tuition payment from the Department of Veterans Affairs, late fees will assess on past due amounts.
Students using Chapter 31 or 33 benefits are urged to notify their VA Certifying Official or the Student Accounts office if unable to make timely payments to request alternative arrangements. Grand Valley State University will not remove a Chapter 31 or Chapter 33 student from classes on the published payment deadline, unless the student’s portion of a prior semester’s account balance is already past due.