Automobile Claim Procedures


In the event of an incident or accident involving an Automobile that is leased, owned or rented by GVSU:

    • 911 - if there is any doubt
    • Grand Valley Public Safety at 616.331.3255 - if there are no other vehicles or pedestrians involved and the damage is minor
  • Take all steps to secure the safety of everyone involved
  • Collect the following information (or confirm that a police report will be provided with this information):
    • Other vehicle owner's information including owner's name, driver's name if different, passenger information, and insurance company information
    • Photos of any damage to GVSU and/or 3rd party vehicle
    • Details of the incident
  • As soon as practicable, but no more than 24 hours after the incident, complete the Automobile Accident Reporting form linked here. The signed and completed form should be emailed to Heather Taylor in Risk Management at [email protected] with a cc to the driver's Manager, Appointing Officer, or faculty/staff sponsor.


Please note that Michigan law requires you to report an accident to the police, if:

1. The crash causes more than $1,000 of property damage (please note that almost all accidents will cause at least this much damage - so best to notify the police)

2. The accident involves a parked or unattended car 

3. The accident injures or kills someone


Page last modified March 7, 2025