Biometrics Blog
Permanent link for Native Advertising vs. Banner Advertising: An Eye-Tracking Experiment on October 28, 2023
Facebook is a crowded marketplace for advertisers, and people often ignore ads. This makes it challenging to grab users' attention on social media.
Research Study
A recent study investigated the connection between ad formats (native vs. banner) and visual attention and conceptual persuasion knowledge. The research also examined the impact of visual attention and conceptual persuasion knowledge on brand recognition and brand attitude.
The study used an eye-tracker to track how people viewed ads on a fictitious Facebook page. The eye-tracker recorded 300 measurements per second, which allowed the researchers to understand how people interacted with the ad.
The study found that people paid more attention to native ads than banner ads on Facebook. Native ads are designed to blend in with the surrounding content, making them less likely to be ignored. Native ads also had a more positive impact on people's attitudes towards the brand.
Implications for Brand Managers
The study has several implications for brand managers. First, they should use more native ads to ensure potential customers see them. Second, native ads can educate potential customers about the brand and its products. Third, brand managers should be aware of the evolving behaviors of consumers on social media. As people become more familiar with native ads, they may learn to ignore them. Therefore, brand managers need to be creative and innovative in using native ads.
Native advertising is a more effective way to reach and engage potential customers on Facebook than banner advertising. Native ads are less likely to be ignored and have a more positive impact on brand attitude. However, brand managers need to be aware of the evolving behaviors of consumers on social media and be creative in using native ads.
Link to the original study:
Biometrics Research
Imran Mazid
Permanent link for Native Advertising vs. Banner Advertising: An Eye-Tracking Experiment on October 28, 2023.