5 Money Tips All Lakers Should Know
Posted on April, 2 2018
Living like a Laker means taking advantage of all the opportunities that come your way — both academic and economic. Grabbed too many Starbucks at the Marketplace? Spot a new hoodie in the Laker Store but don’t have enough cash? If you’re strapped for cash and need some inspiration for how to dig yourself out of the college financial hole, then check out this list of ways to make some money on campus and be a moolah master.
Tip #1: Take Advantage of Handshake
If you’re looking for a regular job, or even a paid internship, scope out Handshake and see what listings catch your eye. Local employers of all sorts can add job listings, so there’s plenty to choose from. Jobs are updated regularly, so peruse through the list weekly to make sure you’re not missing out on any opportunities. Most of the employers have a college student’s schedule in mind, so that makes juggling your classes and work hours a whole lot easier.

Tip #2: Sell Your Skills
If you’re going to school to learn and grow, and eventually get a job, then why not participate in some work opportunities that capitalize on those skills? If you're a writing major, try working in the Writing Center as a writing consultant. Exercise Science majors might want to hop aboard the Recreation Center team and get their muscles moving. Get creative and think of how you can turn your curriculum into currency.

Tip #3: Visit the Career Center
The Career Center located in the Student Services building is home to friendly faces who want to see you succeed at Grand Valley and beyond. Sometimes the best way to get a money boost is simply getting a job, and the resources this office offers can help you reach that goal. Set up an appointment! Stop in to get a quick question answered or get a second glance at your resume.
Tip #4: Find a Fair
As a Grand Valley student, you have a multitude of opportunities to attend internship and job fairs through GVSU’s Career Center. These fresh and fun events house boatloads of employers who are looking to anchor down their business with a hardworking Laker. So brush up your resume, press your dress pants, and get to steppin’ to the next career or internship fair!

Tip #5: Get Money Smart, Lakers
Perhaps your struggle bus isn’t sourced from your lack of cash, but where that cash is spent and how. To boost your bucks, the key to success might lie in a formal budgeting system. To learn about how to be a savvy spender and smart saver, visit MoneySmart Lakers housed within the Office of Financial Aid or visit their website. They have a range of tips on how to invest as a college student, how to budget, how to build your credit, and more!