5 Reasons to Go Greek!
Posted on September 12, 2017
1. Be a part of something bigger than yourself and become the best version of yourself
The encouragement and opportunity that Greek organizations provide is unlike any other student organization on campus. By joining a brotherhood/sisterhood, you are surrounding yourself with individuals who can inspire you to succeed and be your support system when times are tough. No two people in an organization are the same. It’s amazing to see how so many different people can unite together under a larger cause and create not only a more positive community here at GVSU, but also help other communities through our contributions to charitable causes.

2. Be involved on campus
Those in Greek Life are pushed to get involved outside of their fraternity or sorority as well! Many students are involved in and hold leadership positions in many organizations on campus, some of which include intramural sports, academic honor societies, and service organizations. Students who get involved in Fraternity and Sorority Life become campus leaders that can create change here at GVSU and create a more inclusive and welcoming Greek community.

3. Participate in volunteer opportunities in and around your community
Each organization has a local philanthropy and a national philanthropy that they raise money for, and require volunteer service hours throughout each semester. Greek Life at Grand Valley raised over $230,000 for their philanthropies last year alone! Everyone in the Greek community has the opportunity to get involved through various volunteer opportunities. From philanthropies that focus on disease research, to organizations that provide lunches for children in the Grand Rapids area, the Greek community is involved in a wide range of wonderful causes.

4. Make connections at networking opportunities post-graduation
A community that has a large number of members has many people with similar majors, interests, and goals as you. These individuals are a valuable resource and can help you make the most of your time here at Grand Valley from both academic and networking perspectives. Additionally, each organization has a strong alumni network that provides many mentorship opportunities for various aspects of your life. It’s not just for college years — it’s for life!

5. Grow as a leader and learn many skills
Having to balance being an involved leader with being a full-time student can sometimes be overwhelming, but you always have the support of your brothers/sisters who will help you do the best that you can here at GVSU! Our organizations often host professional development workshops that focus on topics such as time and stress management and other transferable skills that seek to help you grow as an individual and professional. This community always has your future in mind and strives to make you more marketable for the work force.

Jordan Sheatzley
Jordan Sheatzley, a senior, a member of her Greek organization since her first year at GV, has been selected by the Panhellenic Council to plan this year’s recruitment. When reflecting on having planned recruitment for this upcoming week, Jordan said, "We are expecting over 500 women to find their home in our Greek community. It's been the most amazing experience to not only grow as a leader but also be able to plan something so essential to the Panhellenic community! From planning events and organizing meetings, to executing a successful recruitment weekend, this is truly an unforgettable experience. All the sleepless nights will be beyond worth it when I see all the new Greek women jump off the stage to their forever homes!”