Choose Your Own Adventure: Find Louie!
START HERE: Cook Carillon Tower
You’re standing at the clock tower and get word that Louie the Laker is missing! It’s up to you to search all over campus to find him.
Where will you look first?

Cook-DeWitt Center
You walk into Cook-DeWitt and hear the beautiful melodies of the University Arts Chorale coming from the stage. You quickly scan the choir to see if Louie is up there, but to no avail. You wish you could stay and listen to the music, but you can’t. You’re on a mission.
Where do you go next?

Kindschi Hall of Science
You stumble into a lecture hall and find a professor is in the middle of a biology lesson. She pauses and the whole class turns to look at you, wondering who you are and why you’ve interrupted their class.
“I’m looking for Louie the Laker!” you declare.
“Well he’s not here,” the professor says. “I talked to him earlier today. He said he had to pick up some new Laker apparel and then visit the Career Center.”

Padnos Hall of Science
In Padnos, you search every lecture hall and lab but can’t find Louie anywhere. Where will you look next?

GVSU Laker Store
While in the Laker Store, you remember to pick up that new GVSU sweatshirt you’ve been meaning to buy. You find the perfect one in your size and bring it up to the cash register. You decide to ask the cashier if they’ve seen Louie around recently.
“The last time I saw him he was waiting in line at Starbucks. He had a gym bag with him, so maybe he was headed to the Rec Center.”

Student Services Center
You decide to check in the Career Center. While you do find some helpful information about planning for your future, Louie is nowhere to be found. Where to next?

Mary Idema Pew Library
The library is full of studying students, and you quietly search every floor for any clues that might help you on your quest. You find nothing.
Which do you go next?

All this walking is making you tired, so you decide to get in line at Starbucks for a drink to wake you up.
As you’re finishing your drink and getting ready to leave, you see a friend from one of your classes and ask if he’s seen Louie lately. He tells you that his roommate saw Louie at either the Kelly Family Sports Center or Lubbers Stadium, but he can’t remember which one.
Which do you choose?

Recreation Center
You head over to the Rec Center to see if Louie is getting a good workout in. You check the weight room, the track, the welcome desk, and even scope out the Fieldhouse. You see lots of pictures of Louie everywhere, but nothing more. Where should you look next?
Kelly Family Sports Center
You enter the Kelly Family Sports Center. You walk the track, scanning the turf and searching for Louie. He’s not here. Where will you search next?
Kirkhof Center
Kirkhof is full of people, and Louie could be anywhere! You scan the line at Panda Express, peer through the window of the Lanthorn office, and even check upstairs in the Pere Marquette Room. Despite searching up and down for Louie, he’s nowhere to be seen. Where should you go next?

Calder Arts Center
You visit Calder and see that there’s a student exhibition going on this week and you decide to check it out. Once you’re done admiring all of the paintings, you notice that there’s an artist leaving a classroom and walking past the gallery. You decide to ask her if Louie has been here.
“He did come in, and he loved the art on display! After he left, he said he needed to speak with his writing professor in Lake Ontario Hall before stopping at the Connection for a bite to eat.”
Where could he be now?

Lake Ontario Hall
Once in Lake Ontario, you head straight for the Writing Center. You think maybe Louie is helping students with their essays, but to your dismay, he’s not there. A writing consultant tells you that Louie had just stopped by and mentioned that he had to go to one of his professor’s office hours.
Which do you choose?

The Blue Connection
You grab a quick snack from the POD store in the Connection, scanning the tables for that familiar Louie face we all know and love. The cashier asks if you need help finding anything, noticing your wandering gaze.
“I’m looking for Louie! Have you seen him?” you ask.
She shakes her head no, offering an apology and wishing you good luck. You head out of the Connection, wondering where to go next.
Which do you choose?

Lake Huron Hall
In Lake Huron, you take a moment to check out the book collections of the English department professors before continuing your search. You find some cool books, but no Louie. You leave Lake Huron Hall and are determined to continue your search. You’re not sure whether to keep searching south campus or head to north campus.
Which do you choose?

Au Sable Hall
Taking a short break from your search, you grab a seat in front of one of the big windows in Au Sable. After striking up a conversation with a student sitting nearby, you ask if they’ve seen Louie anywhere. They mention seeing him walk past the window, expertly avoiding the center of the Transformational Link. You thank them and head on your way.
Which do you choose?

The GVSU Arboretum
Entering through the flower-covered archway, you start down the path that circles around the Arboretum. You stop to take in the beauty of a GVSU spring before carrying on. You spot a group of students hammocking in a sunny spot and decide to ask them for help. As you get closer, you see someone dressed head to toe in Laker blue...could it be?
It’s Louie the Laker chilling in one of the hammocks! He sees you coming and invites you to join them. You gratefully accept, thrilled that your long journey has come to a victorious end.
Congratulations! You found Louie the Laker!

Little Mac Bridge
Following the sea of students across the bridge, you quickly look through the crowd for Louie’s famous captain’s hat. Making it to the other end, you’re sad to discover Louie wasn’t on the bridge. You step off to the side, allowing students to get to their next class as you decide whether to go back across the bridge or continue on this side of campus.
Which do you choose?

Mackinac Hall
Weaving your way through the maze of Mackinac, you search high and low for Louie. You run into a professor in the math department who tells you he just saw Louie heading toward south campus. Navigating your way back outside, you try to decide whether Louie would stop for lunch or head somewhere else.
Which do you choose?

Fresh Food Company
Grabbing a slice of pizza, you walk around Fresh hoping to find Louie seated at one of the tables. Instead, you stumble upon President Mantella and she invites you to join her for lunch. Getting caught up in the conversation, you forget about your search for Louie and spend the rest of the afternoon talking about all things Grand Valley with our president.
Sorry, you didn’t find Louie! Better luck next time!

Lubbers Stadium
You walk into Lubbers Stadium, expecting Louie to be at one of his favorite spots on campus. Instead, you find students sprawled out on blankets across the field, watching a movie on the big screen. The movie is one of your all-time favorites, so you can’t help but give up your search for Louie and stay to watch.
Sorry, you didn’t find Louie! Better luck next time!