Happy Veterans Day: Your Guide to GV Resources for Veterans
Written by Isabella Gielniak
Posted on November 11, 2021
Whether you served in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or Marines, Grand Valley has resources for you through the Military and Veteran Resource Center. GVSU has been named one of the top 5 universities in Michigan for veterans, and GV also received the Best for Vets award in 2021. In honor of Veterans’ Day, here are the ways that Grand Valley recognizes and supports veterans through their college education.

#1. Student Veterans of America
GVSU has a Student Veterans of America (SVA) chapter that provides support for veterans and their families through outreach to other communities, social events, and recurring meetings. There are also lounges in Kirkhof room 0007 and in the new Devos Center for Interprofessional Health (Room DCIH 110) for veterans to study, socialize, and find more resources unique for those who served.
#2. Peer Advisors for Veteran Education
The Military and Veteran Resource Center also has a peer support program for incoming veteran students called Peer Advisors for Veteran Education (PAVE). PAVE advisors help Lakers navigate the transition from military to academia, provide social support, and help veteran students feel connected to campus life. PAVE also provides mental health resources for social and academic support.
#3. Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps
Grand Valley has partnered with Army ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps), an elective curriculum that students can take along with required courses. ROTC can help pay for tuition without any commitment to joining the military during your first and second years at GVSU. Members of the ROTC can train with cadets from Grand Valley and many other colleges throughout Michigan while gaining great leadership experience.
Still trying to connect to campus life? For current veteran students, the Military and Veteran Resource Center can help you by offering ways to get involved. Like all students, veterans have access to advising centers all across campus that can help you find scholarships, gain access to financial aid, and personalize your degree plan.
Thank you to our GV veterans, and we wish you a happy Veterans Day!