T Haas is Doing WhAt?!
Five reasons you should attend Haasta La Vista
Posted on April 8, 2019
Written by Nick Gbur
The day is almost upon us, the retirement of our beloved T Haas is fast approaching and soon a hole will be left in our hearts that his gleaming smile and endless charm once filled. Before we’re left in a dark, months-long, campus-wide depression, let’s party one last time with T Haas and Marcia. If the loss of our fearless leader isn’t enough to convince you to attend, here are five reasons you should come to Haasta La Vista.
1. To pledge your undying allegiance to T Haas and Marcia.
Do we understand that there will be a new president next year? Yes, we do. Her name is Philomena V. Mantella and she will be awesome but, we’re living in the now, and right now we’re losing the greatest thing to ever happen to this university. The founder of the Inclusion and Equity office, the Grandest Showman, the Captain, and our President, T Haas. To make matters worse he’s taking Marcia with him. Marcia, who founded a scholarship program for Marching Band members. Who is on the Board of Directors for the Grand Rapids Symphony. Marcia, who lives and breathes campus culture. These miraculous people will be exiting their starring roles in our lives and therefore we should all pledge our allegiance to them, as examples of what Lakers should be.

2. To feed your will to live, along with your body.
The sad fact is, this event is on the last day of classes, also known as the Friday before finals. Yikes. Outside, morale will be low, but inside the Fieldhouse, spirits will be high as we celebrate the Haas’ accomplishments and say goodbye. Siphon this energy to fuel you all the way through the end of finals and while you’re there eat some of the free pizza to fuel your body. It’s a 2-for-1 deal.
3. Did we mention the free SWAG?
The first 2,500 people in the Fieldhouse will receive a dope, limited-edition Haasta La Vista t-shirt. There will be insane amounts of free stickers, use them to memorialize this moment in Laker-history. If you want to get the maximum amount of Laker-clout, get both.

4. Maybe you’ll even find out why we collected all those selfies.
I’ve got a really good feeling about this one… ;)
5. For what comes after.
Did someone say live music, carnival acts, a dunk-tank, and FIREBREATHERS?! Yes, we did! Join us in the Fieldhouse Circle Drive after Haasta La Vista for Lakerpalooza!