Why You Should Nominate a Laker for "I am Grand Valley"
Written by Andreas Fields
Posted on February 24, 2022

I am Grand Valley is one of the most important awards a student can receive at GVSU. It’s a celebration of hard work, involvement, and leadership; it recognizes the impact our Laker leaders have on the GV community. Hear from previous I am Grand Valley recipient Alexis Sova and learn why it’s so important to recognize our student leaders.
Alexis, a senior at Grand Valley, has been an RA for three years. She also works as the vice president of program planning in the Residence Housing Association (RHA). After receiving an I am Grand Valley award, Alexis fully realized that she “had made an impact on [her] community here at GVSU.”

Similarly, Alexis recognizes the importance of getting involved and how it can truly be a defining experience while in college. By getting involved, you’re able to meet more people, have more opportunities, and gain a greater sense of belonging here at Grand Valley, all while pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and pursuing something you love.

Whether it be a leader in your student org, a leader from your on-campus job, a leader in one of your classes, or a leader somewhere else entirely, nominating someone for I am Grand Valley is an invitation for them to continue working hard to keep our campus community thriving. Receiving the I am Grand Valley award helps validate a student’s impact on campus and shows that their service and leadership is appreciated.
“To be chosen as a recipient meant so much to me because I proudly represent GV everyday whether I am on campus or off,” Alexis says.

Recipients of I am Grand Valley will be invited to a reception where they will be recognized for their leadership. At this event, they will receive a free t-shirt and find out the name of their nominator(s). Nominators are also invited to the reception and will be able to partake in free food and fellowship. Nominations are open now until March 18, and you can nominate up to 10 Lakers to receive this award. Take this opportunity to make sure the Laker leaders in your life get recognized for their hard work and dedication to GV!