Why You Should Get Involved At GVSU

Get Involved with Student Life

College is an exciting time; people with different ideas and identities come together to learn with open minds. However, not all learning takes place in the classroom. Some of your most memorable lessons might come from your involvement in a student organization, a civic engagement opportunity, or a campus event. Take advantage of all the opportunities Grand Valley has to offer and get involved!

Make Friends

With a quick look at LakerLink, you’ll realize student life has a home for everyone through 400+ student orgs. There’s plenty of opportunities for lifelong friendships!

Develop Your Skills

When you get involved, you can learn new things about yourself and discover new passions. Start exploring!

Boost Your Resume

There are tons of involvement opportunities that will help you prepare for your future career. Join a student org related to your major, or attend a networking event to start making connections. Getting involved can help you strengthen your abilities and show potential future employers that you're a well-rounded individual.


Have Fun!

76% of surveyed students say that getting involved in Student Life has enhanced their college experience. Make the most of your time at Grand Valley!

Student Stories

Don’t just take our word for it! Check out these stories from students who got involved in some of the 400+ student organizations Grand Valley has to offer. Learn how getting involved benefitted these students’ social, academic, and professional lives.


Leah Erben: Subject to Change (Improv Comedy Team)

Student sits on stage in the Cook-Dewitt Center

Tré Snodgrass: Euphoria A Capella

Student sits in the Cook-Dewitt auditorium

Nick Moran: Grand Valley Lanthorn

Student reads New York Times newspaper in the Lanthorn office

Rachel Syrba: Whale Radio

Student wearing headphones sits in the Whale Radio studio

Involvement Spotlights

Rowland Scheessele

Rowland Scheessele

Since finding out about Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Rowland Scheesseles itch for a community he belongs to is gone. Read more about how GVSUs social music fraternity has given Rowland a brotherhood he can count on.

Mar 24, 2023

Shannon Richardson

Shannon Richardson

Shannon Richardson always wanted to be a dentist, so when she found the Pre-Dental Club at Grand Valley, she knew she was on the path to success. Find out how getting involved can help you achieve the goal of your dreams.

Jan 26, 2023

Ezri Sutter

Ezri Sutter

Ezri Sutter is a junior studying criminal justice, psychology, and statistics. Joining Criminal Justice Association helped her form unlikely friendships. Read on to discover how being involved helped Ezri get the most out of her college experience.

Jan 18, 2023

Kiana Baker

Kiana Baker

As a transfer student, Kiana Baker looked for an organization where she could make connections. She was introduced to Delta Phi Lambda, an Asian-Interest sorority, and has been a member ever since. Read on to learn about Kianas leadership development.

Jan 18, 2023

Toni Poland

Toni Poland

Meet Toni Poland, the vice president of the American Cancer Society at Grand Valley. Find out more about Toni and how giving back to those in need with the ACS makes her feel fulfilled.

Jan 18, 2023

View More Involvement Spotlights

Page last modified February 10, 2025