Deadlines - WINTER





September 1

A completed GVSU study abroad application is required for students to be eligible for the Study Abroad Grant.

Students who do not have a completed application by this deadline will not be considered for the Study Abroad Grant.

September 10

Emergency contact, Releases, and Terms and conditions forms Due on Via for exchange programs

Students must submit each of these froms in the portal before the deadline. 

September - December

Attend one of the required Pre-Departure Orientation sessions.

Students who choose not to attend one of the regularly scheduled required orientations will forfeit eligibility for the study abroad grant and will not receive a refund of the application deposit. 

October 1

Passport from due on Via for exchange students 

Students must show proof of a valid passport by filling out the passport form in the portal. 

November 1

-FA Agreement 
-SA Budget
-Medical Insurance

Each of these is due on Via by ths date for excanges

You must have a completed Financial Aid Student Agreement and study abroad budget form on file in order to receive your financial aid. If you do not plan to use financial aid you do not have to complete these two items.

Students meeting the requirements can request an exemption from the GVSU health insurance.

December 1

Flight information, self care form, & host program acceptance forms due in Via by this date for Exchanges

Students who do not submit the required documents by the deadline will not receive a refund of the application deposit. Students who are unable to meet this deadline should notify Jamie Pleyte at [email protected] 

Early December

Payment deadline:

IS 380 course fee

ALL students will pay the IS 380 course fee.

Prior to completing your program

Study Abroad Course Approval Form (or email from the department confirming course approval)

All students must have their study abroad courses evaluated by the relevant academic department. Students who choose courses that exist on one of the pre-approved course equivalency lists, do not need to secure approval for that course. Your courses will not be transferred until we have all of the course approvals on file.





October 1

A completed GVSU study abroad application is required for students to be eligible for the Study Abroad Grant.

Students who do not have a completed application by this deadline will not be considered for the Study Abroad Grant.

October 10

Emergency contact, Releases, and Terms and conditions forms Due on Via for provider programs

Students must submit each of these froms in the portal before the deadline. 

September - December

Attend one of the required Pre-Departure Orientation sessions.

Students who choose not to attend one of the regularly scheduled required orientations will forfeit eligibility for the study abroad grant and will not receive a refund of the application deposit. 

October 20

Passport from due on Via for exchange students 

Students must show proof of a valid passport by filling out the passport form in the portal. 

November 1

-FA Agreement 
-SA Budget
-Medical Insurance

Each of these is due on Via by ths date for excanges

You must have a completed Financial Aid Student Agreement and study abroad budget form on file in order to receive your financial aid. If you do not plan to use financial aid you do not have to complete these two items.

Students meeting the requirements can request an exemption from the GVSU health insurance.

December 1

Flight information, self care form, & host program acceptance forms due in Via by this date for Exchanges

Students who do not submit the required documents by the deadline will not receive a refund of the application deposit. Students who are unable to meet this deadline should notify Jamie Pleyte at [email protected] 

Early December

Payment deadline:

IS 380 course fee

ALL students will pay the IS 380 course fee.

Prior to completing your program

Study Abroad Course Approval Form (or email from the department confirming course approval)

All students must have their study abroad courses evaluated by the relevant academic department. Students who choose courses that exist on one of the pre-approved course equivalency lists, do not need to secure approval for that course. Your courses will not be transferred until we have all of the course approvals on file.

Page last modified January 2, 2025