Study Abroad Budget
Before you meet with a Financial Aid Counselor to discuss your specific questions, you MUST submit your Study Abroad Budget Form through the Study Abroad Application Portal (Via TRM). This is required of all students interested in accessing financial aid for study abroad.
The Study Abroad Budget Form serves as an estimated cost of attendance for your study abroad program. The total amount listed is the maximum amount of aid you can receive from GVSU. This estimated cost of attendance does not reflect the amount of aid you will qualify for, simply the cap on how much could be awarded to you.
The Study Abroad Budget Form can be found under “Pre-Departure Forms” in your Via TRM account. If you have questions on where to find this information, contact PIC. You will not have access to this form until you have been accepted to study abroad through PIC. Students participating in one of GVSU’s exchange programs should enter the cost estimates provided on the program budget.

What Costs can be Included on the Study Abroad Budget Form?
Only costs that are required for participation in a study abroad program can be included on the Study Abroad Budget.
- Tuition
- In-country transportation
- Program fees
- Misc. living expenses (i.e. laundry, bus pass, basic Housing necessities)
- Meals
- Passport/visa fees
- Airfare to your host country
- Course-related fees