Guide for GVSU Academic Advisors


Thank you for taking the time to learn more about study abroad for GVSU students. The Padnos International Center is pleased to provide you with this guide for academic advising and study abroad. The time that you take to meet with your students is invaluable; they would never be able to study abroad without your support, so thank you! Recognizing this important role that you play, we would like to provide you with additional resources to assist you in advising your students as they prepare to study or intern abroad. Each year we send over 800 GVSU students abroad for credit bearing opportunities outside of the United States.


Study Abroad Advising
The Padnos International Center welcomes drop-in advising during regular office hours (no appointment necessary)! We also offer virtual advising appointments during regular office hours. 
Advising Information

Study Abroad Team


Ehren Kuzekov

Director of Study Abroad

  • Monitor and respond to crisis and risk management related to education abroad
  • Manage GVSU’s institutional international partnerships and represent GVSU to international partners
  • Review study abroad applications
  • Set policies for study abroad and evaluate international activities
  • Manage study abroad credit transfer process
  • Provide overall management of daily study abroad operations
  • Advise faculty, staff and students on study abroad issues and concerns

Meaghann Myers-Smith

Study Abroad Advisor

  • Advise GVSU students interested in academic international experiences including financial, academic, cultural, health and safety issues

  • Counsel students with unique issues (disabilities, dependents, chronic health issues, identity concerns) to enable them to successfully participate in study abroad. 

  • Assist with compiling student trends/statistics

  • Coordinate study abroad fairs

  • Supervise and train peer adviser staff



Kirsten Bartels

Faculty-Led Programs

  • Coordinates all faculty-led study abroad programs
  • Develops orientation programs for faculty-led participants


Jaime Pleyte

Jamie Pleyte

Coordinator of Study Abroad and International Partnerships

  • Works with all students accepted to a partner or external program
  • Assists students with course equivalencies
  • Manages all pre-departure planning for partner and external programs
  • Facilitates transfer of study abroad coursework to GVSU



Alissa Lane

International Programs Specialist

  • Assists with study abroad outreach and classroom presentations
  • Oversees publicity and marketing for all PIC publications 
  • Manages website maintenance

Kristen Cloutier

International Programs Coordinator

  • Manages the student outreach worker, outreach tasks and classroom presentations
  • Advises and coordinates for Internships and Independent Study experiences abroad.
  • Marketing, promotion, website design, and events for Padnos International Center.

Your Role

It is common for students pursuing international programs to coordinate between their academic adviser and the advisers at the Padnos International Center. This "ping pong" process ensures students select a program that meets both their academic goals and the logistical/financial aspects managed by the International Center. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Program Selection & Features, Finances, Application Process: Padnos International Center handles details about different programs, financial matters, scholarships, and logistical support.
  • Degree Structure & Coursework Fit: Academic Adviser(s) ensure that the courses abroad align with the student's degree requirements and academic goals.

Clear communication between the student and both sets of advisers will help ensure a smooth process.


Initial Conversations

  • Encourage students to come to PIC during their first semester at GVSU! The earlier we plan, the better.
  • We encourage all GVSU academic advisors to ask advisees if they've considered study abroad before.
  • Help students identify the best semester/year for study abroad based on their degree plans and/or academic goals.
  • Identify specific courses and/or degree requirements students can fulfill while abroad (major elective courses, General Education Issues)
  • Spread the word: GVSU financial aid packages can be used to help fund study abroad costs, regardless of program type (GVSU programs and external programs). Additional scholarship opportunities are available. Please encourage students to talk to us early in their planning process about funding!

Discussing Program Options

  • Be familiar with a few GVSU programs that are good for the students you advise.
  • Check out the Major Advice Pages (MAPS) for the majors you advise.
  • Encourage students to attend our First Step Meetings, offered every Wednesday at 4pm at 130 LOH.


  • Study Abroad Transfer of Credit has a different set of guidelines than the standard credit transfers that students bring in from other institutions. The primary distinction between the two is that study abroad students are registered at GVSU during the semester they are abroad. If students are studying abroad on a faculty-led program, independent study or internship where the credit is issued by GVSU, they will register for a specific GVSU course and will receive a grade from the GVSU faculty director. If students are participating in a study abroad program where the credit is transferred to GVSU from a host institution, the student will register ahead of time for a placeholder course called International Studies 380 (IS 380), which allows the student to maintain his/her status at GVSU, access financial aid, and access all other services offered by GVSU.
  • Each department can determine who has the authority to assign GVSU course equivalencies for study abroad courses. There are several different models for how this is handled. In most cases, the Department Chair takes the responsibility for reviewing study abroad course descriptions. Some departments allow all faculty to review study abroad course descriptions in order to assign a GVSU equivalency. 
    Course Equivalency Contact by department

SUPPLEMENTAL WRITING SKILLS (SWS) CREDIT For SWS credit, students should be directed to contact the Director of the SWS Program. Unlike most other reviews, students interested in securing approval for SWS credit will not be given approval until after they return from study abroad. Students will be required to show evidence of the work they completed overseas for a specific course they believe meets the SWS requirements. The student should return with all completed coursework, and the course syllabus.

GENERAL EDUCATION ISSUES CREDIT For Issues credit, students should be directed to the PIC International Center website,, for instructions on how to earn credit for the Study Abroad Issues. The General Education Director is the only person with the authority to approve study abroad courses to meet the Issues requirements. The student must submit a Study Abroad Issues Reflection Essay in order to secure approval.

Did You Know?

  • Students can take their last 30 credits abroad
  • CR/NC for partnerships and externals. Faculty-led participants will receive a grade.
  • Global Perspectives is automatically fulfilled if students take at least 3 credits.
  • Issues is easily fulfilled abroad. Students do not have to be Junior standing in order to fulfill Issues abroad.
  • About 15% of graduating GVSU students have studied abroad.

Academic Policies

Academic planning is an important part of study abroad pre-departure preparations. With good planning, GVSU students can earn credit towards degree requirements including:

  • Major requirements
  • Minor requirements
  • General Education Requirements (Foundations, Issues, Global Perspectives)
  • University Requirements (SWS, B.A. Degree Cognate, B.S. Degree Cognate)

We help students access courses that will complement and enhance their academic interests without setting them behind for graduation. Students often have varying circumstances, so academic advising is best when coordinated with the academic advisor. Students are encouraged to document all approvals and identify contingency plans if changes occur during final registration at the host institution.

Academic Planning and Policies


Programs by Major

This resource will help students identify study abroad programs that are a good fit for their major/minor. The additional resources below may also include helpful information for first-year students, pre-professional students, etc.

IMPORTANT: Students can also fulfill General Education credits abroad. Most study abroad programs offer General Education credit. 

Programs by Major


Page last modified November 13, 2024