LGBTQIA+ Students

For LGBTQIA+ students, being well informed about the culture, climate, and social norms of the country you wish to visit is a critical part of selecting your study abroad program.

The Padnos International Center supports all students in their study abroad endeavors, regardless of identity.

We offer the following resources for LGBTQIA+ students travelling internationally. 

Resources on CampusMilton E. Ford LGBTQ Resource Center

Legal Same-Sex Marriage

Criminalisation of Same Sex Couples

Legal Gender Recognition

Legal Gender Recognition

Transgender Students

For transgender students, being well informed about the culture, climate, and social norms of the country you wish to visit is a critical part of selecting your study abroad program. The Padnos International Center supports all students in their study abroad endeavors, regardless of their gender identity and expression. We recommend the following resources for transgender students travelling internationally. 


Passport Information for Gender Transitioning Students


TSA: Transgender/ Non Binary / Gender Nonconforming Passengers

Airport Security: Know your Rights

These sites provide information on how to make the process through TSA easier and less complicated for TG individuals.



This site gives information on the entire travel process from what to bring to what to expect to how to report misconduct if you encounter any.


IGLTA Travel Tips

Additional Travel tips for Transgender, Genderqueer and Non-Binary Travelers

Film Resources

LGBTQ+ Pride Around the World

LGBTQ+ Rights Around the World

This is what LGBT Life is Like Around the World 

Creating a Global LGBTQ+ Community - TIME

GVSU study abroad advisers are able to offer insight or recommend resources to learn more about the attitudes toward LGBTQI+ individuals in your potential study abroad location. Concerns about your sexual orientation or gender identity should not be a barrier to studying abroad.

Please feel free to contact study abroad adviser Meaghann Myers-Smith to discuss identity concerns. 

University Counseling Center: LGBTQ+ 

Page last modified March 7, 2025