Program Details: Universidad del Bio Bio
Apply Now (Advanced Spanish - Semester)
Apply Now (Spanish Language - Summer)
Apply Now (Dual Degree)
Visa Information
Housing and Meals
Summer Option
Dual Degree Program
Application Process and Acceptance Timeline
Travel Information
Campus Information
Is this program for me?
With two primary campuses, Concepcion and Chilian, UBB offers a wide-range of curricular options. UBB has approximately 13,000 students and two primary campuses: Concepcion and Chillan. The Concepcion campus houses Engineering, Architecture, Business and Sciences. The Chillan campus houses Health and nutrition, Education, graphic design, and English. UBB is most suitable for Spanish majors and minors, but it is also a great location for those interested in English education. The vast majority of courses at UBB are taught in Spanish, with the exception of the courses taught in the English Department. Students must have a minimum of 5 semesters of college-level Spanish to participate in this program. UBB is a premier regional University in the Bio Bio region. Students typically stay in homestays which offers students a full immersion into the host culture.
Dual-Degree Opportunity for Integrative Studies Majors (formerly Liberal Studies): UBB and GVSU have created a dual-degree option for students at both institutions. The program is designed for GV students majoring in Integrative Studies. GVSU students must have an intermediate level (or higher) of Spanish proficiency and have declared a major in Integrative Studies. Upon completing degree requirements at GVSU, and after completing program requirements at UBB, GVSU students will be eligible to earn a Bachelor's degree in Humanities from Universidad del Bio Bio. The Bachelor in Humanities focuses on the study and analysis of different areas of the humanities with an emphasis in the language, culture, history and tradition of the Latino American culture in a social Latino context..
SUMMER OPTION: Students interested in the UBB Summer program should scroll to the bottom of this page. Summer program features are different from the semester. exchange.

The city of Concepcion, where UBB’s main campus is located, offers a lively environment with bustling plazas, pedestrian streets packed with local shops, and restaurants serving a wide range of local and international cuisine. Concepcion is 20 minutes from the coast and is centrally located for those who have an interest in exploring other parts of Chile. Concepcion is the second largest city in Chile, second only to Santiago, the capital.
Chillan is an hour east of Concepcion and is near the Andes Mountain range. It is a smaller city with a lively market place and downtown area. Chillan is the ideal location for full immersion into everyday Chilean culture.

Estimated Budget for Dual Degree Program
A PIC Partnership Grant is available ($500 each) 2 available per year for this program.
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Visa Information
Students applying for one semester (or more than 90 days) at Universidad del Bio Bio will be required to secure a student visa from the Chilean Consulate in Chicago. The Chile Visa Guidelines page provides information regarding the application process. Please note that the appropriate consulate or embassy must be consulted for the most up-to-date visa information.
Students applying to study at UBB for a semester or year will be required to secure an FBI background check in order to apply for the student visa. The required FBI background check can take 3-5 days to process electronically or 2-4 weeks by mail. The FBI background check must be current (issued within 4 months) when you apply for your student visa. The timing of this process will be important to make sure you apply for the FBI background check in plenty of time, but not too early that it will expire before you are ready to apply for your student visa. You must apply for your study visa within 90 days prior to your departure. You can find out more about the process on the FBI website.
Alternative to applying directly to the FBI for background check:
Past students have been able to expedite the process of securing the FBI background check by utilizing the Fieldprint Services Team for an extra fee (currently $50). This service can provide a background check within 24 hrs of your appointment.

Housing and Meals
Concepcion campus: homestay, shared house with other international students, or a pension (renting a room in a local home).
Chillan campus: homestay or shared house with other international students.
Most housing placements are in walking distance to campus or within a short bus ride. All payments for housing is paid directly to landlord or family.

Summer Option
UBB offers GVSU students an 11-week summer Program in Chillan that runs from early May - July. A minimum of 10 GVSU students are required in order for UBB to run this program; which in the past has always been met. Students will be met at the airport in Santiago, and travel as a group to Chillan. There are a few excursions included in this program. See the Chile UBB Summer page for more details.
NOTICE: There is a cap of 18 participants for this program. Applications will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once the cap of 18 applicants is filled, the program will be closed to new applicants.
Housing: Students will live in a homestay.
Courses: Students will register for IS 380 for a total of 12 credits. Once the program is completed, PIC will transfer the courses completed at UBB back to GVSU. Students will receive credit for the following GVSU courses:
- SPA 380: El Espanol Chileno Actual (3 credits) AND
- SPA 380: Spanish Language and Culture (3 credits) AND
- SPA 304: Spanish for Health Professions (3 credits) AND
- SPA 380: Latin American Civilization and Culture: Chilean Perspectives (3 credits)
Students needing SPA 321 may request a substitution for Spanish Language and Culture.
Students must have completed the prerequisite course of SPA 202 before the program.
If you completed 1 or more of these courses, contact the Padnos International Center to discuss other course options.
*Issues friendly - Students interested in satisfying general education courses abroad can find more information on our General Education page.
Cost: Summer Estimated Budget
Visa: Participants of the summer program at UBB are not required to obtain a visa prior to travel to Chile.
There are a few excursions included with this program, as well as an airport greeting in Santiago. Excursions typically include: Termas de Chillan, Santiago, and Valpo y Vina del Mar
Courses available to GVSU semester exchange students at UBB
A list of available courses and course descriptions.
Dual Degree Participants will be required to complete two semesters of exchange at UBB. Most students will take courses in their Area of Emphasis during their year in Chile.
How will the courses I take at UBB transfer back to my GVSU Transcript?
If the course you wish to take at UBB appears on the "Existing Course Equivalencies" list, you do not need to secure course approval for that course. The courses on this list have already been approved by the academic department.
Note: This is not a full list of courses offer at this Partner Institution
Concepcion and Chillan Campuses
Undergraduate programs on the Concepcion Campus include: Architecture, Building Engineering, Industrial Design, Statistics Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Wood Sciences Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automation Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Business Administration, Informatics Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics Engineering, Accountancy & Auditing and Social Work,
Undergraduate programs on the Chillan Campus include: Graphic Design, Early Years Teacher Education, Primary Studies Teacher Education, Language and Communication Teacher Education, Mathematics Teacher Education, Natural Sciences Teacher Education, History and Geography Teacher Education, English Language Teacher Education, Physical Education, Social Work, Psychology, Natural Resources Engineering, BA in Sciences, Business Administration, Computer Science and Informatics Engineering, Accountancy and Auditing, Food Engineering, Nursing, Nutrition and Dietetics, and Speech Therapy
Documents from UBB:
Chillan Campus - Malla Curricular Ingenieria Comercial
Chillan Campus - Castellano
Chillan Campus - Pedagogia en Historia y Geografia
Concepcion Campus - Formacion Integral (General Studies)

Dual Degree Program
GVSU students majoring in Integrative Studies may pursue a dual degree at the Universidad del Bio Bio (UBB) after completing two semesters of study at UBB in Chillan. The academic year begins in March and runs through December. It is ideal for students to begin their studies at UBB during GVSU's winter semester. The semesters will be from March - July and August - December. The Bachelor in Humanities is an academic program designed for GVSU students. The focus of the program is the study and analysis of different areas of the humanities, with an emphasis in the language, culture, history, and tradition of the Latino American culture in a social Latino context.
A list of compulsory and elective courses can be found in the course information section above. See brochure for additional information.
A PIC Partnership Grant is available ($1,000 each) 2 available per year for this program.

Travel Information
CHILLAN CAMPUS: Students will typically fly into Santiago as the port of entry into Chile. Students attending the Chillan campus may choose to take a bus direct from Santiago. Additional information will be provided by UBB in your pre-arrival instructions.
CONCEPCION CAMPUS: Students typically fly into Santiago. From Santiago, you can either fly on to Concepcion or take a bus. UBB will provide more detailed arrival instructions prior to departure. UBB does offer to meet students at the airport in Concepcion provided the appropriate documents are completed. Please check with UBB prior to making any flight arrangements if you would like to receive an airport greeting.