Research Abroad
Doing research abroad gives you the opportunity to participate in cutting edge research for international communities in need. These programs are semester-long and have the possibility of being credit bearing. Keep in mind that if you choose to participate in an academic study abroad program, research may still be an option though your program sponsor or host institution.
If you choose to participate in a program that organizes research opportunities abroad, please understand that you will be doing so independent of GVSU.

Keep in Mind
In many cases, research abroad can be used for an Independent Study credit if you work through the Padnos International Center by completing the required documents.
PIC strongly advises students to carefully research agencies and organizations that organize research projects abroad. Additionally, we strongly advise students to adequately prepare for an overseas experience by researching the cultural norms, safety and security of a particular location, reviewing recommendations provided by the Center for Disease Control, and carefully considering all other necessary pre-departure preparations.
If you are conducting research abroad, please view the information on the Research Compliance and Integrity page.
Research Abroad Opportunities
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*IPSL works with you and your faculty supervisor to find a research project that is tailored specifically to you.*
Possible IPSL locations: Austria, Colombia, Greece, Guatemala, Ireland, Peru, South Africa, Vietnam