Umbra Institute- Course Equivalencies

Full Course Catalog

For a list of all available courses and course descriptions at your host university, visit: 

Full Course Catalog

Please note that many courses have equivalencies in more than one subject area. 

Pre-Approved Course Equivalencies

IMPORTANT: Other GVSU students have studied abroad at this partner institution. The chart below reflects GVSU equivalencies they have received. If you are planning on taking a course listed below, it does not require a departmental evaluation. Courses listed on this chart are not guaranteed to be offered during your semester abroad. This is not a complete list of course options offered at this partner institution. For a full list of course options, see the link above.

* Course offerings are subject to change depending on the semester/class schedule and these offerings are not always updated on the website. To ancipate for these changes, we advise planning some back-up courses in the case of your top choices not being offered. 


Host University Courses

GVSU Course Equivalencies

GVSU Credits

ANTH 362: Environmental Anthropology

ANT 340 Culture and Environment

3 Credits

ANTH 375: Anthropology of Food & Eating: Understanding Self and Others

ANT 380 Special Topics in Anthropology

3 Credits

ANTH 308: Urban Agriculture in the US & Italy-Theory and Practice

ANT 380 Special Topics in Anthropology 

3 Credits 

ARCH 325: Archaeology in Central Italy-the Etruscan and Roman Heritage

ANT 311 Native Peoples of North America

3 Credits 

ARCH 350: Archaeological Field Workshop

ANT 308 Field Experience Abroad

3 Credits

ARCH 351: Archaeological Field Workshop II

ANT 308  Field Experience Abroad 

3 Credits


Host University Courses

GVSU Course Equivalencies

GVSU Credits

ENV/PUBH/GSCI 320: Water Resources: Environment, Society, and Power

ENS 380 Special Topics in Environmental Studies

3 Credits

ENV 330: Sustainable Food Production in Italy: Local Traditions and Global Transformations

ENS 392 Sustainable Agriculture

3 Credits

ENV 345: Spiritual Ecologies

ENS 380 Special Topics in Environmental Studies

3 Credits 

ENV 370 – Food & Environmental Policy in Italy & Europe

ENS 392 Sustainable Agriculture

3 Credits 

ENV 375 Green Art: The Aesthetics, Ethics, and Politics of Creativity in Today’s World

ENS 380 Special Topics in Environmental Studies 

3 Credits

ENV 380: The Politics of Urban Agriculture – From Victory Gardens to Neoliberalism: Seminar and Practicum

ENS 392 Sustainable Agriculture

3 Credits 

FSST 300: Experiencing Sustainable Italian Foodways (FSE Core Course)

ENS 392 Sustainable Agriculture

3 Credits 

FSST 330: Sustainable Food Production in Italy: Local Traditions and Global Transformations

ENS 392 Sustainable Agriculture

3 Credits 

GEOG 380: The Politics of Urban Agriculture – From Victory Gardens to Neoliberalism: Seminar and Practicum

ENS 392 Sustainable Agriculture

3 Credits

FSST 370 – Food & Environmental Policy in Italy & Europe

ENS 392 Sustainable Agriculture

3 Credits

GEOG 308 Urban Agriculture in the US and Italy: Theory & Practice

ENS 392 Sustainable Agriculture

3 Credits 

Page last modified January 21, 2025