What to Expect During your Session

Academic Advising at GVSU
- Academic Advising
- Advisors & staff
- Locations
- Professional vs. Faculty Advising
- Types of Appointments
- Navigate...schedule an appointment
- Majors & Programs
- Getting connected

Bachelor Degree Defined
- Elements of a GVSU Bachelor Degree
- Univeresity Requirements
- General Education
- Major Requirements

Registration at GVSU
- Academic calendars
- Registration videos
- Waitlist process
- Full-time vs. part-time
We will show you how to...
Declare a Major
You will declare your major at your advising and registration session.
Register for a Course
Students are encouraged to meet with their advisor prior to registering for classes.
Access myPath
Your MyPath is a personalized tool that lists the courses required to complete your major/degree.