Want to know when tutors are available to help with SPSS, SAS or R?
Click the button below for a schedule. SPSS, SAS and R are at the bottom.
You can now access GVSU computer labs virtually, so you can run SPSS, SAS and R from anywhere. Go to this GVSU IT website for more details.
- This GVSU IT website has directions on how to download SPSS
- A one page SPSS 29 How-To sheet
- Here is a detailed handout on how to do to pretty much anything in SPSS
- More SPSS resources from a GVSU STA professor

SAS Help
- Using SAS at GVSU contains directions on various ways to access SAS; the website SAS at GVSU also has ways to access SAS
- SAS OnDemand for Academics (ODA) registration directions
- SAS OnDemand for Academics (ODA) sign-in directions
- SAS OnDemand for Academics (ODA) directions on how to upload a file to SAS studio
- SAS support page
- Here is a detailed handout on how to do to pretty much anything in SAS
- A great website for SAS code fragments from UCLA
R Help
- R for Statistical computing: R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.
- A two-page R How-To sheet for STA 215
- R manual
- A short list of the most useful R commands