Consulting Support
Feel free to browse this page for helpful links and resources that may assist you while you work.
Here to Support You

Meet your 2024-2025 Leads!
At the Writing Center, we value the peer-to-peer relationship, so think of Leads as your peer support crew. If you have questions about the work, your schedule, your style, or anything else, your leads are here to try and find answers to those questions.
If you are interested in applying to become a Lead, feel free to ask them about the process.

Be sure to SNAP your fellow coworkers!
If you notice exceptional work ethic, behavior, talent, personality, or more - remember to show your love and support for your fellow Hero Consultants.
Can't stop by and compose a hand-written SNAP? Here's a link to our SNAPS Google Form: SNAPS Link
Professional Development
The purpose of our Professional Development program is to provide consultants with an enriching experience as peer-writing consultants; therefore, it is in a consultant’s best interest to choose events based on the following: areas of interest, specialization, and to gain diverse knowledge.
In order to meet your 2 required hours of professional development, please review the following options:

Fireside Chats
These professional development seminars provide consultants an additional opportunity to gain some information and on-going support from their peers/ supervisors by engaging in dialogue.
The fireside chats can take the following forms:
- Workshop: Mini-Lesson + Hands-On Activity
- Lecture: Mini-Lesson + Discussion/Reflection
- Guest Speaker: Share Story + Q&A
These fireside chats and other training opportunities will be scheduled throughout the semester, so stay up-to-date on the upcoming topics and speakers by regularly checking this page and your email for upcoming professional developments and events!

Writing Center Professional Development Workshops
These synchronous and asynchronous professional development opportunities will occur periodically throughout the semester, and they may cover topics like citation styles, working online, genre specific training (resumes, cover letters, posters, etc.) and more.
GVSU Sponsored Events and/or Library Workshops
These lectures, presentations, and training events occur around campus, and must be pre-approved by either the Writing Center Assistant Director or the Writing Center Director to count as writing center professional development (Teach-In presentations, Library or Speech training events, LIB 100 approved events, etc.)
Attending and/or Presenting at Conferences
Consultants can earn professional development credit by attending MiWCA or by presenting at MiWCA, ECWCA, or NCPTW. You can also earn credit through attending or presenting at our staff Mini-Conference.
Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities
There are no upcoming Professional Development at this time
During Your Shift
Forms and Documents
Writing Consultation Long Form: (Word Doc) (Google Form)
Group Facilitation Tips and Tricks
Email Introduction to Your WRT 150 Lab Professor
Training Resources
"Consulting Posters" - By Melanie Rabine-Johnson, 2016 - PowerPoint
"Designing Your Poster" By Melanie Rabine-Johnson, 2016 - PDF
"Ten Tips on Consulting with d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Peers" - By Danielle Zukowski, 2016 - PDF
"What Is Grammar?" By Melanie Rabine-Johnson, 2014 - PDF
"Working with L2 Writers" By Melanie Rabine-Johnson, 2014 - PDF
"Classroom Presentation Slides" - By Writing Center staff (Spring/Summer 2022)
"Knowledge Market Presentation" - By FMCFWAMA - For Class Presentations
"Boundaries: Consulting in the Knowledge Market" - By Dr. Carl Brown, Jen Torreano, Patrick Johnson, and Melanie Rabine-Johnson (2019)
Weekly Appointment Support
Contract / Greeting Letter
The Writing Center offers Weekly Appointments (upon request and approval) for certain students. If the student is learning English as an additional language, has permission from a professor, or thinks the extra help is something they need, then they are invited to visit the Writing Center in LOH 120 to learn more about Weekly Appointments and pick up an application.
Before calling, be aware of the following:
- Weekly appointments are serious commitments. We will assign a dedicated consultant to meet with the student for 50 minutes every week. This kind of commitment is for their benefit and should not be taken lightly.
- The appointment lasts for 50 minutes. In that time, the student-writer is responsible for having enough work to do - but it doesn't have to be the same every week. They should feel free to bring in any writing assignment, project, or questions to discuss with the assigned consultant.
- We try to schedule around your availability. This means, the more available the student is, the easier it is for us to find a consultant who can work with them.
Incoming Consultants
WRT 306
If you have just been hired, please read this article before coming to orientation & visit WRT 306 to learn about our training class for the Fall.
Providing Feedback

Anonymous Feedback
We understand that sometimes, feedback from employees to administration is best given anonymously -- whether that be for comfort reasons, sensitivity concerns, or any other reasonable explanation. We want you to know that our administrative doors and emails are always open! But if you'd like to send information our way, and you'd like to do so anonymously, please consider submitting this feedback via our Consultant Feedback Form.
This form will be reviewed on a weekly basis. If you have an urgent concern, consider reaching out immediately.

Evaluation of Administration
In order for Pat and Meredith to stay focused on the needs of their employees, it is essential that they receive evaluative feedback on their performance as administrators. Before the year is over, please fill out the Administration Evaluation form and turn in a completed copy to Lisa in LOH (or email it to her if you're unable to come in person). Lisa will keep all feedback anonymous and insure that Pat and Meredith are unable to access that information.