ACED - Accounting Careers + Education Discovery

Group of Students who participated in the ACED Camp
Group of Students who participated in the ACED Camp
Group of Students who participated in the ACED Camp
Group of Students who participated in the ACED Camp
Group of Students who participated in the ACED Camp
Group of Students who participated in the ACED Camp
Group of Students who participated in the ACED Camp

Accounting Careers + Education Discovery 

Purpose: The purpose of the ACED Program is to introduce high school students to promising careers in accounting to bring fresh, diverse perspectives to the profession, especially in the face of the nationwide shortage of accountants.  This program has a particular focus on reaching students that might not be sure if a four-year degree or accounting program is right for them. In addition to learning more about accounting through classroom activities, camp participants will visit local offices of prominent accounting firms to hear about related career paths available and tour a local manufacturing facility to gain hands-on experience in managerial accounting concepts. During the four-day, three-night stay at GVSU, students will stay in dorms, tour campus facilities, and experience a taste of college life while also learning more about college admissions and financial aid.

Dates: June 16 – 19, 2025 

Location: Allendale and Pew (Grand Rapids) campuses of GVSU, as well as site visits to manufacturing facilities and accounting firms in West Michigan.

Accommodations: Participants are offered an immersive collegiate experience, including the opportunity to stay overnight in a GVSU dorm and eat at on-campus facilities like GVSU students.

Cost: There is no cost to participants. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, all meals, transportation, lodging, and event costs are covered for all participants.   

Questions?...Please email [email protected]

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Previous Camp Article in Seidman News


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Page last modified October 30, 2024