Executive Committee


The Administrative Professionals (AP) Committee is the representative body for AP staff whose purpose is to facilitate dialogue to raised questions and concerns of GVSU policies that affect AP staff and make recommendations to an appropriate member of the President's Cabinet. The committee is comprised of an AP Executive Committee of 12 elected members and three 6 member elected Subcommittees: Awards, Professional Development, and Salary & Benefits.


  1. Frequency, time, place
    • The Chairperson, with the Committee, will determine the frequency, time, and place. Robert's Rules of Order will be adopted for Committee procedure.
  2. Quorum 
    • A quorum of the majority of eligible voters is required to conduct business.  A majority is defined as 50% plus 1.  An invited speaker may be heard by less than a quorum if rescheduling is impractical.


Use the link below to view a list of members on the AP Executive Committee.

AP Committees Membership

Page last modified February 26, 2025