Education-Based Evaluations
Date: April 17, 2025
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Format and Platform: Virtual via Zoom
Registration Fee: $20
Registration Deadline: April 17, 2025
Training Flyer
- Stephanie Dyer, Ed. S., BCBA - Autism Education & Intervention Specialist, [email protected]
- Kelly Rogers, Psy.S., BCBA - Consultant, [email protected]
This module outlines critical components and processes for an
education-based special education eligibility evaluation for Autism
Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It incorporates key features of its
foundational predecessor, CET (Centralized Evaluation Team), and
includes a detailed review of the Michigan Administrative Rules for
Special Education (MARSE) ASD eligibility criteria. Evaluation
components and processes outlined in the Education-Based Evaluations
for ASD document published by the Michigan Autism Council are also
reviewed which include tools and examples for interviews,
observations, and report-writing. A critical review of available
standardized tests and their technical adequacy and differential
eligibility decision-making processes are also included.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs): START is
offering State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) pending
approval. Participants must complete the Attendance Form provided at
the training within 3 days of the training date to receive SCECHs. All
attendees will receive a Certificate of Attendance after the training.
Team Viewing or Large Group Option: START offers a Team Viewing or Large Group rate of $200 for larger groups. The Team Viewing registration is available here.
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be submitted in writing to [email protected] by April 16, 2025. We are unable to accept phone cancellations.
START only accepts credit cards for payment.
By registering for this training, you agree to receive email updates from START (articles, updates, new tools and resources, and training and events information) and acknowledge and consent to the recording of the session(s). The recording may capture audio, video, and any shared content during the meeting.
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