Effective Practices Leadership Initiative (EPLI)

What is EPLI?
The Effective Practices Leadership Initiative (EPLI) was created to increase regional and local district capacity to effectively support autistic students in the Least Restrictive Environment.
The goal of EPLI is to prepare EPLI Trainers of START Content who can provide professional learning of evidence-based practices for regional and local school staff and families in order to best educate students. Trainers work in collaboration with coaches who assist in the follow-up support necessary to ensure that the evidence-based practices learned in training are implemented with fidelity. Applicants and Inactive Trainers are required to hold a Michigan Department of Education (MDE) or BCBA credential, or be otherwise authorized by MDE to work in schools, AND be employed by a public school in Michigan. Review additional requirements and recommended skills to apply here.
Prospective trainers attend the Essential Foundations Bootcamp, which includes deepening their knowledge of training content, as well as strengthening coaching and presentation skills. Ongoing professional learning opportunities are available for trainers and coaches through START to expand and refresh content knowledge and skills.
What is the Essential Foundations Bootcamp?
The Essential Foundations Bootcamp will include an integration of the universal supports, behavioral practices, and instructional strategies from Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Educational Supports and Strategies, and other START training modules and resources. Content will be organized for flexible and customizable training and coaching needs.
The Bootcamp will consist of four days of content and coaching and two days of Trainer Days, which are collaborative days intended to strengthen training and presentation skills, for a total of six days.
Applicants and Inactive Trainers are required to attend the Essential Foundations Bootcamp. Current EPLI Trainers of START Content and Coach Leaders are strongly encouraged to attend the Essential Foundations Bootcamp.
RCN Involvement in EPLI Trainer Process to Build Capacity
- Each RCN should ensure they have a sufficient number of EPLI Trainers of START Content in their region for each module to cover training needs.
- If more Trainers are needed, RCNs should identify qualified individuals to go through the EPLI Essential Foundations Bootcamp
- Current EPLI Trainers of START Content may be identified by the RCN to expand their repertoire of training content to attend additional EPLI offerings, such as the FAPE in the LRE Bootcamp
- Current EPLI Trainers of START Content may invite implementers to co-present information that provides examples of specific implementation of EBPs, such as use of self-management systems or Peer to Peer programming