K-12 Resources

This page is currently under development. 

Differentiated Output Hierarchy

The Differentiated Output Hierarchy is a systematic, organized approach to support students' active engagement in the general education curriculum. The differentiated output hierarchy supports the concepts defined in differentiated instruction.

Individual Student Data Collection Forms

The Individual Student Data Collection Forms provide an efficient system to evaluate student performance through data collection and analysis all in one form. The three areas targeted are Independence, Engagement, and Social Interaction since these behaviors have a significant impact on the quality of life for students with ASD.


The START Project staff are identifying key characteristics impacting literacy for students with ASD and developing tools that may be helpful in supporting students. While students with ASD tend to demonstrate excellent word recognition and decoding skills, there are inherent challenges and impairments in the area of reading comprehension, often due to the fundamental characteristics of the disability. Visit the Literacy and Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) page for more information. 

Page last modified March 4, 2025