2025 Request for Proposals
The symposium committee is seeking proposals that address some of the current challenges facing Black boys & men. Specifically, we want the conference to focus on how to change these conditions to positively impact educational and life outcomes. We are seeking experts in the field to share their knowledge and expertise with symposium attendees. We also invite you to share this information with others in your networks.
Proposals will be selected based on the overarching goals of the symposium:
- Goal 1: Bring national partners together to outline a plan for success and create a pipeline to include K-12, higher education and beyond.
- Goal 2: Acknowledge the historical realities that have shaped outcomes for Black boys and men in order to create new realities.
- Goal 3: Identify systemic barriers in order to generate discussion, ideas, and solutions for equity.
- Goal 4: Create change agents by sharing leading practices and creating the capacity to create new and better outcomes.
- Goal 5: Deconstruct and rebuild systems to create the conditions for the success of Black boys & men.
All presenters and co-presenters will be required to register as conference attendees and are expected to cover fees associated with attending the conference. All presenters are expected to provide name, title and terminal degree designation (if applicable) with submission. All presenters are expected to upload an electronic copy of their presentation prior to the close of the event; the presentation will be saved and available for registered participants to view afterward. Presenters must be practitioners and presentations must be non-commercial in nature.
Proposal Submission Deadline: April 7th, 2025
* denotes a required field