1 in 5k Registration Form
1 in 5 people will experience a sexual assault in their lifetime.
Join the Center for Health and Well-being along with the GVSU Violence Prevention Task Force as they host the 1st annual 1 in 5K on April 4, 2025 @7pm on the Allendale Campus.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month is an opportunity to listen to and honor survivors in our community. It is a time to show those who have been impacted by sexual violence that they are not alone. The funds raised from this event will go to the Survivor Support Fund which provides financial assistance to victims and survivors of sexual or intimate partner violence and stalking at GVSU, as well as funding for prevention efforts on campus. This fund is designed to support response efforts and build a future free of violence.
Who: Participants run, walk, and roll at their own pace. Strollers, wheelchairs and leashed dogs are welcome!
Where: Participants will start adjacent to the Mary Idema Pew Library entrance and finish at the Cook Carillon Tower with views of our spectacular campus.
Cost: 25.00 per person for those 17 and older. Those 16 years old and under are FREE. Please use the code YOUTH at checkout when registering those 16 yrs and younger to receive the FREE registration.
T-shirts are available with each paid registration!
* denotes a required field