Environmental Wellness
Environmental wellness is sustaining safe, clean, and healthy environments where we live, work and play. This includes something as simple as renewing your relationship with the earth. Below are some ideas of what environmental wellness means to our GV community.

Be Environmentally Well
6 Characteristics of Environmentally Well People
- Being aware of the limits of the earth's natural resources.
- Conserving energy (i.e. shutting off unused lights).
- Recycling paper, cans, and glass as much as possible.
- Enjoying and appreciating time outside in natural settings.
- Not polluting the air, water or earth.
- Creating home and work environments that are supportive and nurturing.
Improving Environmental Wellness
- Make your room a place where you feel comfortable, safe, and at ease in.
- Keep mementos of things that are important to you.
- Find time to explore nature.
- Unplug from technology.
Unplug and Get Outside
The benefits of getting away from screens and enjoying the outdoors are plentiful.
Spending time outside:
- Reduces fatigue
- Improves short-term memory
- Reduces stress
- Lowers blood pressure
- Improves your ability to focus
- It may also increase your creativity, reduce experiences of depression and anxiety, and protect your vision.
Even in the cold Michigan winters it’s important to spend time outside!
Spaces for You
Environmental wellness also means finding spaces that you feel comfortable in. You may find comfort in a variety of locations around campus:
- The LGBT Resource Center
- The Center for Women and Gender Equity
- The Office of Multicultural Affairs
- The alcohol-free events offered by AOD
- The Rec Center
- Interfaith practice rooms
- The Library
- Or even with one of the many student organizations on campus!