Social Wellness
Social Wellness is cultivating supportive relationships and community through genuine connection and belonging. It includes how you spend time in community with others, your social life, and meeting new people. Below are some ideas of what social wellness means to our GV community.

Be Socially Well
9 Characteristics of Socially Well People
- Development of assertiveness skills not passive or aggressive ones.
- Balancing social and personal time.
- The ability to be who you are in all situations.
- Becoming engaged with other people in your community.
- Valuing diversity and treat others with respect.
- Continually being able to maintain and develop friendships and social networks.
- The ability to create boundaries within relationships. Boundaries that encourage communication, trust and conflict management.
- Remembering to have fun.
- Having a supportive network of family and friends.
Improving Social Wellness
- Surround yourself with people who you can trust and you know care about you.
- Communicate clearly when dealing with conflict.
- Make at least one good friend you can count on.
- Get involved with a student organization.
- Be okay being alone.
Meet New People
College is a wonderful time to meet people from different backgrounds than you, but it can be hard to know where to start! Join a group focused on your favorite hobby like reading, hiking, gaming, or playing music. Or, invite your neighbor to an event on campus
Stay Connected to Home
Homesickness is a normal experience for many college students. And, while it’s important to meet new people and get involved on campus, it can also be helpful to stay connected to family and friends back home. So if you’re missing them, reach out and give them a call - tell them about new experiences you have been having.
A great way to get involved on campus or in the community is to Volunteer. You can volunteer based on your interests. Local non-profits, schools, libraries and places of worship often need volunteers for special events or even day to day operations. Even giving back in simple ways can improve your overall health and happiness.