Community Based Work-Study Program
The Community Based Work-Study Program gives federal work-study eligible undergraduate students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in their field. Through work with local community based nonprofit partners, students can earn their federal work-study award while making a difference in their community.
All majors are eligible with positions spanning roles such as social media, human resources, youth development, and more. With consistent weekly schedules of 10-15 hours per week, students are able to build relationships and gain paid experience with partners in the community.

About the Program
The Community Based Work-Study Program connects federal work-study eligible students to nonprofit employers in the community. Our community partners pay just 25% of your wages (up to your award amount), with the remaining 75% covered by federal funding. This means you get paid to learn and grow while making a difference in the West Michigan community.
After applying, students will be contacted to discuss what organization might be the right fit and review their application materials. Once a match is made, the students materials will be given to the community partner to conduct an interview. If accepted, students will be able to work 10-15 hours per week at their internship site. Internships last for the duration of the Fall and/or Winter Semesters.
For students, this is an awesome opportunity to get paid experience at a local nonprofit partner related to your major, interests, or passions. For employers, this opportunity is partially funded by the student's work study grant- a chance for you to gain a potential new employee and continue to build your mission.
2024 - 2025 Community Work-Study Partners:

Are you looking to gain experience in your field? Do you have a passion for giving back to your community? Check out the Community Based Work-Study Program!
Students from all majors are invited to apply to get matched with a local community employer. Students are able to build a variety of technical and soft skills to gain experience in the workplace while making a difference. At this time, only federal work-study students are eligible.
Student FAQ's
Students are awarded federal work-study based on need through the FAFSA application. If a student is awarded work-study, this will be included in their financial aid package. To determine if you are eligible, please reach out to the GVSU Financial Aid Office.
Students can apply through Workday. Applications are reviewed by the Community Based Work-Study Team and shared with employer partners to conduct interviews.
To apply, students need an updated resume and cover letter. Please check out the GVSU Career Center resources for help with career materials!
Questions? Email Dana Hebreard at [email protected]
Only U.S. citizens and those with permanent residency who have completed the FAFSA are allowed to work in CBWS positions since they require a federal work award.
If you are an international student looking for on-campus employment, check out openings on Workday or visit the GVSU Career Center.
All students begin at a rate of $15/hour and are required to log their hours for each pay period within Workday. Just like an on-campus job at GVSU, students can expect bi-weekly pay following the university pay schedule. The Community Based Work-Study team will help you get started and set up direct deposit if needed. Site supervisors will also review time sheets for each student during every pay period.
Many of our current placements require students to have access to reliable transportation. Students may speak to employers about transportation options or placements along the bus line (for school based placements).
We hope to add additional community partners who operate on the Laker Line soon!
The Community Based Work-Study Program gives employers the opportunity to work with students with support of federal funding. Community partners pay just 25% of student wages (up to the award amount), with the remaining 75% covered by federal funding. Placements can span a variety of projects and majors with past projects including work with youth, social media/fundraising, and teaching.
Interested in joining the program or learning more? Email Dana Hebreard [email protected] or Diane Miller [email protected]
Employer FAQ's
For this program, any community-based nonprofit employers are eligible to participate!
For more information, please contact Dana Hebreard [email protected] or Diane Miller [email protected]
Students will be paid directly by GVSU, with 75% covered by work-study and 25% by the employer-partner. An invoice will be sent at the end of the semester.
Work-study awards are tracked throughout the semester to show the total amount of student funding left and the total amount owed by community partners.
Students employed through the Community Based Work-Study Program who work for a community organization are considered employees of Grand Valley State University. GVSU issues student paychecks and W-2's and handles I9 documentation before students are allowed to work at their placements.
Unfortunately, no. Students with federal work-study eligibility are only able to receive their awards in the fall and winter semesters.
If you have a student who would like to continue working with you for the semester, encourage them to explore other funding options for experiential learning.