For Faculty and Staff

How to connect your student to our office:
You may be in a position to refer your student to a CECI advisor. Please visit our staff page to learn about which advisors cover the major in question. Also, please review the best practices listed below by major as you guide your student toward advising support.
If you would like more information about how to best support students, please contact Breeann Mann, Director or the general office contact information located in the bottom banner of our website. If you think your student needs additional resources, please visit the Student Resources list on the Division of Student Affairs website
Issue An Alert
The advising center encourages CECI faculty to voluntarily refer a student who may be struggling with attendance or other academic concerns. You can do so by Issuing an Alert through EAB - Navigate. Detailed instructions are available one the EAB - Navigate homepage: under "Resources".
If a student is experiencing a more urgent or personal concern, including but not limited to: concerns for well-being, financial or basic needs, physical and mental health, and disruptive/disturbing behavior, please use the Student of Concern CARE Report, managed by the Dean of Students Office. The CARE Team (Coordination, Assistance, Response, and Education) is a team of staff who support all students through challenges they may experience during their time at GVSU. Please complete a CARE Referral if you are a student in need of support, know a student who needs support, or are generally concerned about a student.
About Our Programs
If you find yourself in a position to share information with a student about any of our CECI programs, feel free to use the information and descriptions below.
- View the advising guides we have developed to help students review what is necessary to complete a degree in one of the CECI programs. The major worksheets, located on the Criminal Justice Advising page, also include a section which details minor requirements if a student is interested in adding a minor in one of our program areas.
- If a student decides on a CECI major or minor while meeting with you, please help them declare it through Banner so they receive communication from an advisor and an invitation to come in and talk with us.
- If you have a question or concern while working with a student, please call us at (616) 331-6890 or send us an email to [email protected]
- Help students schedule an appointment with a CECI Academic Advisor. You have 24/7 access through our online Appointment Management System.
- View the advising guides we have developed to help students review what is necessary to complete a degree in one of the CECI programs. The major worksheets, located on the Education Programs Advising page, also include a section which details minor requirements if a student is interested in adding a minor in one of our program areas.
- If a student decides on a CECI major or minor while meeting with you, please help them declare it through Banner so they receive communication from an advisor and an invitation to come in and talk with us.
- If you have a question or concern while working with a student, please call us at (616) 331-6890 or send us an email to [email protected]
- Help students schedule an appointment with a CECI Academic Advisor. You have 24/7 access through our online Appointment Management System.
- View the advising guides we have developed to help students review what is necessary to complete a degree in one of the CECI programs. The major worksheets, located on the Hospitality and Tourism Management Advising page, also include a section which details minor requirements if a student is interested in adding a minor in one of our program areas.
- If a student decides on a CECI major or minor while meeting with you, please help them declare it through Banner so they receive communication from an advisor and an invitation to come in and talk with us.
- If you have a question or concern while working with a student, please call us at (616) 331-6890 or send us an email to [email protected]
- Help students schedule an appointment with a CECI Academic Advisor. You have 24/7 access through our online Appointment Management System.
- View the advising guides we have developed to help students review what is necessary to complete a degree in one of the CECI programs. The major worksheets, located on the Legal Studies Advising page, also include a section which details minor requirements if a student is interested in adding a minor in one of our program areas.
- If a student decides on a CECI major or minor while meeting with you, please help them declare it through Banner so they receive communication from an advisor and an invitation to come in and talk with us.
- If you have a question or concern while working with a student, please call us at (616) 331-6890 or send us an email to [email protected]
- Help students schedule an appointment with a CECI Academic Advisor. You have 24/7 access through our online Appointment Management System.
- View the advising guides we have developed to help students review what is necessary to complete a degree in one of the CECI programs. The major worksheets, located on the Public, Nonprofit and Health Administration Advising page, also include a section which details minor requirements if a student is interested in adding a minor in one of our program areas.
- If a student decides on a CECI major or minor while meeting with you, please help them declare it through Banner so they receive communication from an advisor and an invitation to come in and talk with us.
- If you have a question or concern while working with a student, please call us at (616) 331-6890 or send us an email to [email protected]
- Help students schedule an appointment with a CECI Academic Advisor. You have 24/7 access through our online Appointment Management System.
- The BSW Program is a secondary admit program. The program begins each fall and is intended as a 2-year, full time program. Please encourage students to meet with CECI Advising as soon as possible to review candidacy and application timelines.
- View the advising guides we have developed to help students review what is necessary to complete a degree in one of the CECI programs. The major worksheets, located on the Social Work Advising page, also include a section which details minor requirements if a student is interested in adding a minor in one of our program areas.
- If a student decides on a CECI major or minor while meeting with you, please help them declare it through Banner so they receive communication from an advisor and an invitation to come in and talk with us.
- If you have a question or concern while working with a student, please call us at (616) 331-6890 or send us an email to [email protected]
- Help students schedule an appointment with a CECI Academic Advisor. You have 24/7 access through our online Appointment Management System.
- View the advising guides we have developed to help students review what is necessary to complete a degree in one of the CECI programs. The major worksheets also include a section which details minor requirements if a student is interested in adding a minor in one of our program areas. You can find these guides by clicking through the previous menu options by major.
- If a student decides on a CECI major or minor while meeting with you, please help them declare it through Banner so they receive communication from an advisor and an invitation to come in and talk with us.
- If you have a question or concern while working with a student, please call us at (616) 331-6890 or send us an email to [email protected]
- Help students schedule an appointment with a CECI Academic Advisor. You have 24/7 access through our online Appointment Management System.
For Your Syllabus
Do you teach a CECI class? Please use the following syllabus blurb about the CECI Undergraduate Advising Center so your students have the information about our services right at the beginning of the semester.
Academic advisors with the CECI Undergraduate Advising Center are here to help you. Whether you’re looking for guidance in your major or just want more information about our programs, the advisors are here to collaborate with you, encourage you, and support you. Your advisor has a responsibility to get you accurate and timely information about academic requirements, university resources, and opportunities related to enriching your college experience and personal lives. Together, they’ll work with you in developing useful skills, gaining power over your journey, and creating effective strategies to achieve these goals.
Interested in scheduling an appointment with a CECI Academic Advisor? You have 24/7 access through our online Appointment Management System. Just login to with your GVSU Network ID and Password and schedule your academic advising appointment online. Contact the CECI Undergraduate Advising Center at (616) 331-6890 with questions.