CECI Student Organizations
Students in the College of Education and Community Innovation have developed excellent student organizations that fulfill a variety of interests. Here are ten reasons you should join one of these groups:
- Expand your professional network
- Assume new leadership roles
- Find new learning opportunities
- Give back to your community
- Develop your soft skills
- Work in a team
- Gain practical experience
- Engage with diverse groups of people
- Augment your resume
- Take a break and have some fun

SLAM (Students Leaving a Mark) assist with relief efforts after Hurricanes Matthew and Florence in North Carolina during Spring Break.
Below is a list of our CECI student organizations. Find out more about them, including meeting times and upcoming activities, by visiting their page in LakerLink or sending an inquiry to their general contact e-mail address.
Alpha Phi Sigma
Alpha Phi Sigma is a scholastic honorary society in criminal justice. The mission of Alpha Phi Sigma is to promote critical thinking, rigorous scholarship and life-long learning; to keep abreast of the advances in scientific research, to elevate the ethical standards of the criminal justice professions and to sustain in the public mind of the benefit and necessity of education and professional training
The Honor Society is open to those with a declared criminal justice major or minor, legal studies major or minor, criminal justice graduate student or law students who have the required academic criteria.
Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP)
AFP, an association of professionals throughout the world, advances philanthropy by enabling people and organizations to practice ethical and effective fundraising. Our collegiate chapter raises money for a self-identified philanthropic project and hold educational sessions about ethical fundraising practices.
Open to any interested student; Dues are $40.00 per year
BSW Student Organization
We are Bachelor of Social Work students engaged in enriching our professional identity, increasing the recognition of GVSU’s social work program and discussing social issues that affect our profession and communities.
BSW students. Dues are $5.00 per semester
CECI International Student Group
The CECI ISG promotes intercultural activities and global awareness through dinners, films, discussions and field trips.
Open to any International or American graduate student interested in sharing cultural experiences and discussing international issues.
Faculty Advisor: Mark Hoffman
Criminal Justice Student's Association
The Criminal Justice Student’s Association gives students with a passion for the field of Criminal Justice an opportunity to create new personal and professional relationship while helping the community.
Open to all students interested in the field of Criminal Justice
Educational Leadership/Specialist Organization
Master of Educational Leadership and Educational Specialist learners throughout Michigan will have a common place to connect and share resources, engage in exchanging of ideas and contribute to the enhancement of the GVSU Laker experience. This will allow distance learners to better understand the resources of the institution, to provide possible professional development and networking opportunities.
Meets twice a year at the NMC-University Center in Traverse City. No dues.
Faculty Advisor: Greg Warsen
Healthcare Professionals Graduate Student Alliance
As part of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Higher Education Network, we offer networking opportunities with classmates and local healthcare administrative professionals and ACHE education opportunities and updates.
Open to any MHA, MPA, MPH and MBA graduate student studying health administration
Hospitality & Tourism Management (HTM) Club
HTM Club is a networking opportunity to meet and mingle with not only other HTM majors at Grand Valley, but professionals in the industry. Our events are a mixture of every aspect of the hospitality world exploring every industry to get everyone involved.
Open to all students majoring in Hospitality and Tourism Management.
ICMA Graduate Student Chapter
We are a student chapter of the International City/County Management Association. We introduce and integrate students into local government and the city management profession
Open to any students interested in local government and city management.
Faculty Advisor: Neal Buckwalter
Kappa Delta Pi
Kappa Delta Pi is an international honor society in education that fosters excellence in education and promotes fellowship among those dedicated to teaching. The Grand Valley KDP Student Chapter provides service opportunities in schools and throughout the community to positively impact the education of all children.
Students can become a member of the organization by coming to events, volunteering in the community through partnering school programs, and many other ways.
Lambda Epsilon Chi (LEX) Honor Society
LEX is a national honor society for paralegal and legal studies students. Students who achieve an overall GPA of 3.3 or above and a GPA in the Legal Studies major of 3.5 and above and who have completed 80 credits (including 12 credits of Legal Studies courses) are eligible to be invited to join LEX.
Open to paralegal and legal studies students with eligible GPA standing.
Law Society
This organization will provide students with information and opportunities related to law school and legal professions, including careers as paralegal professionals and attorneys. The organization will also enable students to develop relationships with legal professionals within the community. These purposes shall be achieved through regular meetings, presented speakers, events, and personal contacts with the legal community.We provide students with information and opportunities related to law school and the legal profession. We enable students to develop relationships with legal professional within the community.
Open; Dues are $15.00 per year (Because of our virtual setting, dues are currently not taken at this time)
MSW Student Organization
The MSWSO provides opportunities for MSW students to serve the Grand Rapids, Traverse City and Sault Ste. Marie areas and to use their professional knowledge and uphold their social work value through community-based service projects.
MSW students; Dues are $10.00 lifetime.
This group is not currently active. If you are interested in restarting this organization, please contact Dr. Paola Leon.
National Science Teaching Association - Student Chapter
The Grand Valley National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) Student Chapter connects science to teaching, and provides professional opportunities for students wishing to pursue careers in K-12 science education. Science education majors and minors meet, explore careers, share resources, and talk with practicing teachers.
Open to students interested in science education; No dues
Neighbors for Justice
Neighbors for Justice provides opportunities for students to dive into deep, thoughtful discussions about some of the most pressing social justice issues facing our communities. This student-led group creates space for constructive dialogues around difficult, messy, and potentially uncomfortable topics, knowing such conversations are necessary in order to generate progress. They ultimately aim to build upon these discussions with volunteering and engaging in the broader social justice community in West Michigan.
Open to any students seeking a space where they are empowered to share their authentic selves, be vulnerable, and challenge their preconceived notions. No dues.
Nonprofit Professionals Graduate Student Organization
We create personal, academic and professional advancement opportunities, and seek to develop intelligent, connected and empowered emerging nonprofit leaders. We raise student awareness of resources, provide opportunities for academic advancement and facilitate connections for professional growth.
Open to any graduate student interested in philanthropy and nonprofit leadership.
Pals Student Mentors
Pals Student Mentors matches at-risk and underprivileged youth with passionate college students to create positive, life changing mentoring relationships. Each community-based mentor is paired with a child with whom they visit 2-4 times a month. There are also 1-2 free events each month for mentees and mentors.
Members must pass a background check for working with youth; Dues are $5 per year.
Faculty Advisor: Kathy Bailey
Phi Alpha Chi Epsilon
Chi Epsilon is a chapter of the Phi Alpha Honor Society, a national social work academic honor society with the purpose of providing a closer bond among students of social work and promoting humanitarian goals and ideas.
By invitation, based on academic accomplishment.
Student Affairs Graduate Association
Student Affairs Graduate Association strives to empower graduate students to contribute to the enrichment of their education and program through active scholarship, community building, and professional networking. SAGA also strives to uphold the mission and values of GVSU and the College of Education and Community Innovation in all its functions and programming.
For graduate student in Higher Education. No dues.
Students Leaving A Mark (SLAM)
SLAM is an organization dedicated to providing its membership with academic, cultural and social opportunities to enrich the students’ professional leadership potential in the field of nonprofit management, leadership and social entrepreneurship.
Open to students in the School of Public, Nonprofit and Health Administration and the Seidman School of Business.
Teachers of Tomorrow - Phi Delta Kappa
Teachers of Tomorrow is a social and professional group for future teachers. We plan volunteering events, fundraisers, and have monthly meetings. We work with neighboring schools to raise money, make donations, and give back to our educational community. There are many ways to get involved, come out and get involved!
For education majors. Dues are $10 per year.