"Community Connections" on the WGVU Morning Show with Shelley Irwin

CECI has a regular monthly radio segment on The WGVU Morning Show with Shelley Irwin.

The purpose of the show, called Community Connections, is to showcase the talent within the college and it also allows us to spotlight faculty, staff, students and alumni who are engaging our community partners from a teaching, scholarship, or service perspective.  

The Community Connections ‘live’ radio interviews are scheduled on the first Monday of each month at 10:00 a.m.

The WGVU Morning Show with Shelley Irwin Photo

"Tilting the Earth's Praxis" produced and hosted by Dr. Salvatore Alaimo

Tilting the Earth’s Praxis features weekly discussions on topics that impact civil society.

Civil society is framed as the organized systems of collective human experience, including economic exchange, political governance, and social relationships that enable people to prosper, reach their potential as productive citizens, and flourish as human beings. Discussions feature national experts with GVSU alumni.

Along with teaching nonprofit administration at GVSU, Dr. Alaimo is also a published author, Fulbright Scholar, and documentary film producer.  Creating Tilting the Earth’s Praxis serves as a culmination of his years of knowledge and experience in the nonprofit sector and higher education, and as a scholar of civil society.  “I believe this podcast will educate, enhance awareness, and inspire critical thinking and possibly action around important issues that impact all of us,” said Dr. Alaimo.  “The world is getting smaller, and the human experience is impacted every day by abundant and complex issues. I welcome everyone to join us and listen in.”

You can access the episodes on Spotify or SoundCloud.

Find out more about Tilting the Earth's Praxis

Podcast on Spotify and Souncloud. New topics each week.

"Which Way to the Beach" by Dr. Lorie A. Tuma

“You never know if you can actually do something against all odds, until you actually do it.” – Abby Wambach

This podcast features candid conversations with women who work in the outdoor recreation and power sports industry, specifically those that have built substantial careers while facing adversity, lack of experience, experiencing harassment and discrimination. These are the women that found a way around, through, and beyond ALL these challenges and more! Join us for some pretty gritty topics, stories, experiences -- and a few laughs along the way! #sayYES #goFIGHTwin

You can access the episodes on Spotify or Youtube.

Listen more about "Which Way to the Beach".


Which Way to the Beach Logo

2023 Podcasts

September 18, 2023

Amy Dorey, FSU Professor, Renee Hill, CEO of Nauti Girls Crew, Gabrielle Wells

Spotify podcast episode (53 minutes)
Three remarkable guest speakers connected by their passion for supercharged jet skis. They share insights on leadership, friendship, and their adventures in the world of jet skiing.

August 10, 2023

Daisy Fredricks, Ph.D.
Shared more about her new book, "Core Practices for Teaching Multilingual Students" which is based on a long-term collaborative research project that a team of novice teachers and teacher educators worked on together.

August 7, 2023

Dr. Lucas Meijs, Faiza Venzant, CVA, and Megan Cadle, CVA
Spotify podcast episode (47 minutes)
Exploring the variation in social norms on volunteerism around the world. (Transcript available)

July 31, 2023

Theresa Ricke - Kiely and Angela Barnard
Spotify podcast episode (50 minutes)
Unpacking the depth, breadth and complexity of effective leadership. (Transcript available)

July 26, 2023

Alisa Gross - General Manager, Rockstar Powersports in Brooksville, Florida

Spotify podcast episode (41minutes)
Alisa about how she started her career in powersports at the age of 19. She also shares her challenges faces and all the opportunities that currently exist in this industry, especially for women.

July 24, 2023

Melissa Robbins, Justin Arnold and Jordan Baah-Sackey
Spotify podcast episode (52 minutes)
Discussing workforce development as baby boomers retire, the pandemic leaves lasting impressions, technological innovations enter the workplace, and generational differences emerge on the view of work. (Transcript available)


July 17, 2023

Kevin van Bronkhorst, Wes Miller, and Jocelyn Hines
Spotify podcast episode (42 minutes)
Discussing the 900 community foundations in the USA which recently gave over $7 billion to a variety of nonprofit activities. (Transcript available)

July 10, 2023

Barbara Lubic, Ed.D.
Talks about Storytime in the Park, a family literacy program held on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. (June-August) in Garfield, Lincoln, and MLK, Jr. Parks. See calendar of events: StorytimeGR.org.

July 7, 2023

Liz McMillen, Kasey Stevens, and Ashley Nickels
Spotify podcast episode (48 minutes)
Discussing higher education in the United States facing demographic, technical, economic, social and political challenges. Can institutions adequately address these challenges while retaining their important value proposition for civil society? (Transcript available.)

July 3, 2023

Aaron Dorfman, Madeleine Williams, and Yah-Hannah Jenkins
Spotify podcast episode (42 minutes)
Discussing the U.S. reliance on philanthropy to address societal challenges and the potential of philanthropy to solve them. (Transcript available.)

June 26, 2023

Jason Grant, Patrick Waterman, and Kathryn Beemer
Spotify podcast episode (43 minutes)
Discussing the role of local government in civil society and offering examples of some of the creative things local governments are doing for their citizens. (Transcript available.)

June 19, 2023

Chasity Bailey-Fakhoury, Ph.D.
The Educators of Color Network provides support, guidance, awareness, and connections for the GVSU pre-service community with an emphasis on those who identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC). 

June 19, 2023

Tom Norton and Chuck Plunkett
Spotify podcast episode (43 minutes)
On the importance of local news in civil society. (Transcript available)

June 13, 2023

Jeff Brooks, Katie VanDoeselaar, and Steven Nicolet
Spotify podcast episode (44 minutes)
Exploring fundraising as an art and science driven by trust, relationships and social capital that, if done well, transforms the giver as well as the recipient. (Transcript available.)

June 6, 2023

David Pitts and Rob Howard
Spotify podcast episode (30 minutes) on prison reform and how the prison experience impacts a person's ability to return to the general population, and participate in and contribute to civil society? (Transcript available.)

May 29, 2023

Lessa Pelayo-Lozada, Ana Drown, and Heather Zeoli
Spotify podcast episode (47 minutes) on libraries, which have expanded and evolved over time, and despite their tremendous value, in some locations are now being threatened. (Transcript available)

May 23, 2023

Maria Town and Jeanette Johnson
Spotify podcast episode (44 minutes) on where we are as a society in how we treat, defend the rights of, accommodate and value people with disabilities. (Transcript available)


May 16, 2023

Dr. Tim Penning, Stephen Szymanski, and Jason Manshum
Spotify podcast episode (49 minutes) on the important role of public relations in civil society. (Transcript available)


May 10, 2023

Pat Libby, Adrienne Goodstall, and Tracey Hamlet
Spotify podcast episode (47 minutes)
With engaging discussion with three nonprofit advocates for advocacy. (Transcript available)

May 1, 2023

Salvatore Alaimo, Ph.D.
Shares how his new podcast, Tilting the Earth's Praxis, was developed with weekly guests discussing topics impacting civil society

April 29, 2023

Sonnet Takahisa, Kimberly Kelderhouse, and Jennifer Parks-Strack
Spotify podcast episode (42 minutes)
On museums' role in the ideal of civil society. (Transcript available.)

April 13, 2023

Raymond Higbea, Ph.D. and Mikhila Wildey, Ph.D.
Discussed the charge of the Graduate Student Mental Health Task Force, the data collected, and the results of the study.

March 13, 2023

Larry Warkoczeski, J.D.
Shares his "why" for Deep Generosity® which is an online “idea factory” for new, researched philanthropy ideas and practices.  

February 6, 2023

Priscilla Kimboko, Ph.D. and Others
Promotes the 18th Annual Art and Science of Aging Conference and its community lead partner, Reliance Community Care Partners.

January 9, 2023

Sheryl Vlietstra, M.Ed.
Megan Freudigmann, M.S.

Share how the Michigan Literacy Project was developed and their mission to provide quality classroom libraries to recent Education graduates teaching 3 years or less in classrooms in an underserved Michigan public school districts and GVSU charter schools.

2022 Podcasts

December 15, 2022

Christine Trippy
Spotify Podcast Episode (59 minutes)
Christine, an award-winning hotelier and chief energy officer at The Wise Pineapple, shares her insights on leadership and achieving sweet results in the hospitality industry.

December 12, 2022

Breeann Mann and Elizabeth Clark
Discusses the Peer Mentor Program which provides leadership and support for new GVSU students by providing a sense of community, professional development, and preparation for post-graduation.

November 14, 2022

Kevin Holohan, Ph.D.
Talks about the partnership between GVSU, Battle Creek Public Schools and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the outcomes of this unique partnerhship.

October 3, 2022

Amy Schelling, Ph.D.
Addresses the teacher shortage and the new funding streams developed by the Michigan Department of Education and how GVSU is taking an active role in teacher recruitment.

September 12, 2022

Jen DeWaard, Ed.D.
Shares her passion for the Council for Exceptional Children organization, rebuilding GV's student chapter, and attending the Special Education Legislative Summit in Washington, DC this summer.

August 3, 2022

Jacquelynn Doyon-Martin, Ph.D. and Aaron Yore-Van Oosterhout
Discusses the Prison Education Partnership. In coordination with the Michigan Dept. of Corrections, GVSU is offering a bachelor's degree in liberal arts to incarcerated students at the Bellamy Corrections Facility in Ionia, MI.

July 11, 2022

Lorie Tuma, Ed.D.
Shares her "pandemic story" and her passion for empowering women all around the nation and inspiring her students with relevant and real-life experiences.

June 6, 2022

Barbara Lubic, Ed.D.
Talks about Storytime in the Park, a family literacy program held on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. (June-August) in Garfield, Lincoln, and MLK, Jr. Parks. See calendar of events: http://www.storytimegr.org.


May 2, 2022

Quincy Williams & SLAM Students
Discusses the history of Students Leaving a Mark (SLAM) and the impacts the students were able to make during the spring service learning trip to Mississippi.

April 4, 2022

Kathryn Ohle, Ph.D.
Shares the history of GVSU's Early Childhood Education and the new Birth to Kindergarten program approved November 2021.

March 7, 2022

Priscilla Kimboko, Ph.D.
Hosted the 17th Annual Art & Science of Aging Conference, as well as explained the Rethinking Dementia and Grand Connections initiatives.

February 7, 2022

Clayton Pelon and Mei Mah
Discusses their new and ongoing grants, new Steelcase fellowship, and newly created student organization.

January 10, 2022

Rui Niu-Cooper, Ph.D.
Shares the history, goals and successes of the Oakdale Neighbors’ Learning Café.

Page last modified October 19, 2023