Aaron Perry
Title: Director of Lab Services
Office: 2200H P. Douglas Kindschi Hall of Science
Phone: (616) 331-3969
Fax: (616) 331-3675
Email: [email protected]

- Manage overall operations of Padnos Hall of Science, Henry Hall, and Kindschi Hall of Science with regards to security, room access (key card system management), space assignments, research assignments, storage space, and outreach usage.
- Supervise college technicians and lab support staff members, for the Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Cell and Molecular Biology, and Biomedical Sciences.
- Act as liaison between Facility Services, Facilities Planning, and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to coordinate facility improvements, maintenance, custodial, mail delivery for the Padnos Hall of Science, Henry Hall, and Kindschi Hall of Science.
- Act as liaison between Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Cell and Molecular Biology, Biomedical Sciences and Procurement Services to facilitate purchasing stream line purchasing for faculty researchers and lab supervisors.
- Develop and implement Chemical and Supply Information System for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; this includes the chemical inventory, equipment inventory, finance, and space inventory modules.
- Administer college budgets corresponding to the sciences. Including awarded start-up funds, science equipment repair, satellite laboratories, shared facilities, grants.
- Other projects as directed by the Dean.
Aaron joined Grand Valley in the July of 2002. Before coming to Grand Valley Aaron earned his undergraduate degree from Central Michigan University and spent two years in Muskegon working at a Federal Superfund Site performing Quality Control and Assurance. In 2002 Aaron came to GVSU as lab supervisor for the Chemistry Department and in 2008 joined the Dean's Office as the Director of Laboratory Services.
Aaron's main focus is overseeing CLAS science operations. This includes space allocation and management, resource purchasing, and chemical and equipment inventory administration.
When Aaron is not here at GVSU he spends most of his free time helping his wife protect their three children from themselves, with free minutes devoted to family, cycling, golfing, and carpentry.