Welcome to the Grand Valley State University Speech Lab!

Lake Michigan Hall (LMH154)
Knowledge Market (Mary Idema Pew Library)
Virtual Consultations (Google Meet)
The Mission of the Speech Lab is to empower speakers to shape their lives, professions, and society through confident and effective public presentations.
What We Do
The Grand Valley Speech Lab is a peer-to-peer communication center that helps students with all elements of oral presentations including, but not limited to:
- Anxiety
- Attention Getters
- Citations
- Delivery
- Fallacies
- Notes
- Organization
- Outlining
- Panels
- Transitions
Who We Are
Our public speaking consultants consist of undergraduate and graduate students from a wide variety of majors like communications, information systems, advertising and public relations, sports management and so much more. What is additionally unique about our consultants is that they have all completed a rigorous semester-long training program certified by the National Association of Communication Centers. This means that no matter who you work with, you will be given the same consistent service. In fact, while there are over 100 communication centers in the United States, the GVSU Speech Lab is one of only 18 communication centers with a nationally certified training program.
The Speech Lab at Grand Valley State University is a program of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and the School of Communications.