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Facilities Requests

Equipment Requests

Total Inventoried Items

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences now has almost 60,000 items cataloged in the RMS.

Introduction to the RMS

The CLAS Dean's office, in conjunction with the CLAS budget committee, has been developing an initiative to offer more support to departments to help manage resources, whether it be computers, equipment, chemicals, supplies, or collections. The college now supports a college-wide inventory program, the CLAS Resource Management System, or RMS. This system is available to all faculty and staff to add, subtract, and manage information for the resources managed under any department or program.  

RMS Introduction Video


Important Minimum Inventory Use Requirements.

The departments, programs, faculty, and staff can use the system to track anything they would like. The college has set minimum guidelines for needed information within the system.

  1. All chemicals used will need to be inventoried in the system.  OSHA has explicit rules regarding using chemicals on campus, and an inventory must be kept in accordance with those requirements.  Adding chemical inventory also completes the obligation for filling Safety Data Sheets for each chemical.  By keeping your inventory in the RMS system, the university will find and file all needed Safety Data Sheets online to ensure compliance and allow the campus access to the information.
  2. All computer equipment must be entered into the system.  This allows the college to track and develop college strategies for replacing computers in the offices but also in studios, laboratories, and support spaces.
  3. All equipment over $5,000.  The college will use the inventory system to help manage future equipment costs.  Entering equipment along with the purchase date and the useful life in years will build a tracking system that will allow the college to plan for future purchases, preparing the college to help provide appropriate funding for the replacement of equipment.

Page last modified February 7, 2025