Internship Opportunities

Internship Opportunities

Dr. Azmi and recruiting team from Cancer Biology Program at Karmanos Cancer Institute with CMB students

Dr. Azmi and recruiting team from Cancer Biology Program at Karmanos Cancer Institute with CMB students 

Zoetis Internship applications accepted mid-November through the end of January, or longer if needed.

RISE Germany – Research Internships in Science & Engineering in Germany – Internship program for Summer 2024. Applications accepted October 15 - November 30, 2023.

University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute Perrigo Undergraduate Summer Fellowship – Application accepted mid-November through mid-February

Van Andel Research Institute – Applications accepted December 1 - February 1

Boyce Thompson Institute – Application deadline mid- to late-January

This one is a NSF REU internship, part of the Research Experience for Undergraduates Program funded by the National Science Foundation. While this particular one is plant-related, this is not true of all the NSF REU internships – they cover lots of different aspects of biology. Take a look at this site to see the options:

Cancer Biology Program at Karmanos Cancer Institute/Wayne State University to offer CMB undergraduates a paid summer research opportunity. Applications are accepted December 1 - February 15. See this flyer for details. Email the following materials as a single pdf file directly to Dr. Dawn Clifford Hart at [email protected]:

  1. A current resume or CV that includes a cumulative GPA and and relevant coursework or research experience
  2. A copy of transcripts (unofficial from Banner)
  3. A brief statement (1-2 paragraphs) that describes your academic and research goals, and how participation in a summer internship, specifically in cancer research, will help you achieve those goals.

BioConnections Internship Program - This is run by MichBIO, a Michigan biotech trade association. Search for internship opportunities on the MichBio Job Board.

For an extremely extensive, well-organized list of summer research programs, complete with links, go to

This information was compiled by Dr. Kathleen Cornely of the Chemistry & Biochemistry Department at Providence College. It is broken down by field of study, as well as by funding source (government, corporate). The deadlines on Dr. Cornely's site are not all updated, so check the links themselves.

Forensics internships - Division of Forensics Science with the Illinois State Police
The PDF file at the indicated website describes the forensics internships on page 8. Deadlines: for Spring semester - Sept 30, for Summer - Jan 30, for Fall semester - April 30. See their webpage for more info.

The Summer Internship Program (SIP) at the NIH provides an opportunity to spend the summer working side-by-side with some of the leading scientists in the world in an environment devoted exclusively to biomedical research. Students sixteen years of age or older who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents and are currently enrolled at least half-time in high school or an accredited U.S. college or university are eligible to apply. Students who have been accepted into a college or university may also apply. The internships generally run for a minimum of eight weeks, with students arriving in May or June.

See webpage for details.

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) - sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF)
NSF funds a large number of research opportunities for undergraduate students through its REU Sites program. An REU Site consists of a group of ten or so undergraduates who work in the research programs of the host institution. Each student is associated with a specific research project, where he/she works closely with the faculty and other researchers. Students are granted stipends and, in many cases, assistance with housing and travel. Undergraduate students supported with NSF funds must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. An REU Site may be at either a US or foreign location.

By using the web page, Search for an REU Site, you may examine opportunities in the subject areas supported by various NSF units. Also, you may search by keywords to identify sites in particular research areas or with certain features, such as a particular location.

Students must contact the individual sites for information and application materials.

For biology sites: Deadlines may not yet be available, so keep checking. The CMB Program had several students participate in the REU program in the past.

Associated Universities Internships
Description: The Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Internship Program provides opportunities for qualified undergraduate and first-year graduate students to receive hands-on experience in a real-world setting that prepares them to become part of tomorrow's workforce.

Discipline(s): engineering, computer science, health physics, meteorology, chemistry, physics, biological sciences, environmental sciences, emergency management, public health, epidemiology, accounting, finance, audit, communications, graphic design, human resources, and instructional technology.

Eligibility: U.S. Citizens only. Students entering their junior or senior year, completed their senior year, or completed their first year of graduate school.

For Undergraduate Students

Location(s): Oak Ridge Associated Universities located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Other locations could include: Washington D.C, Maryland, Colorado, or California.

Duration: approximately 10 weeks during summer term

Frequency: summer

Number of Internships: varies

Deadline(s): varies with the particular position, some are open for applications year round

Benefits: bi-weekly paycheck; limited travel reimbursement

How to apply:


Employment Specialist Human Resources Assistant
Meghan Millwood; Robyn Branam
(865) 576-3165 (865) 576-3164


The WASHINGTON INTERNSHIP PROGRAM (WIP) - a combination of work and study - places college students and graduates in all fields in top-level internships in Washington DC.

The WASHINGTON INTERNSHIP PROGRAM guarantees placement in an internship of your choosing, appropriate to your goals and talents and within a field of your interest. WIP provides access to professional editors to help in crafting resumes and cover letters as well as guidance for phone interviews. For more information and to get an application from the website, please contact us at: This program has a rolling admission policy.

Note - We would need to confirm you would be doing research in the WIP internships. Representatives from this program have come to GVSU previously for information seminars.


National Dairy Shrine: Scholarship Application available. A  complete list of internship opportunities is available.


On Assignment Lab Support - Genesis Internship Program


ASPB Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF Program) 
Each fellowship provides the following:

  • $3,000 student stipend
  • $500 for supplies
  • one year student membership in ASPB
  • travel allowance to attend the ASPB national meeting (A $500 travel grant has been set aside for each recipient to offset travel expenses. The student must be a co-author of an abstract in order to qualify for the travel grant.)

Mentor must be a member of the American Society of Plant Biologists, which many of our CMB faculty are members. is the most widely visited job search website in the United States. On you are able to quickly search through millions of jobs throughout the world as well as easily post your resume for employers to find. Indeed intuitive search engine resembles Google, where you simply type in job characteristics (for example, job title, job location, part-time or full-time) and relevant jobs are listed. Indeed collects job listings from many thousands of job sources on the web allowing you to search all of them simultaneously. also has additional features like industry trends, job trends, and salary searches,

If you are looking for internships, is a great place to start looking, both locally and nationally. And it certainly doesn't hurt to post your resume.

Page last modified February 12, 2024