Our Publications

The GVSU CSO creates three communications pieces that detail the wide variety of services and information the office provides. The School Performance Report is an annual overview of GVSU's portfolio of charter public schools, while the GVSU CSO Annual Report is a closer examination of what the CSO accomplished each year. The CSO also provides a digital E-Newsletter that is emailed on the first Thursday of each month. Here you will find the most recent versions of each item.

You can also view our archived reports by visiting the GVSU CSO ScholarWorks page.

CSO Annual Report


The annual report is an in-depth look at what the Charter Schools Office is doing to advance teaching and learning through the office's mission. Curious about what the CSO is doing to improve education in Michigan? This report is for you. Click on the report cover to learn what the CSO is doing to build a better future for kids.

View archived Annual Reports

2023-2024 Annual Report

Portfolio Performance Report

The School Performance Report provides an in-depth data overview of the GVSU-chartered public schools. The report details the most recent academic performance results, portfolio-wide demographics, and the educational outcomes that stem from financial support the GVSU CSO provides to its charter public schools. Readers will come away an understanding of how well GVSU-chartered schools are performing and what the GVSU CSO is doing to ensure the schools are will continue to succeed.

View archived Portfolio Performance Reports



2024 Portfolio Performance Report



The newsletter is a monthly publication that we send out via email. It's an overview of what happened during the past month and updates recipients on upcoming items of interest. Click on the newsletter picture to read up on recent news from our office. Subscribe to newsletter


March 2025 Newsletter

University Report on Public School Academy Authorizing

The University Report on Public School Academy Authorizing fulfills requirements contained within Michigan Public Act 120 of 2024 (PA 120), Section 275k. The requirements specify that each public university that receives an appropriation under Section 236 that, in the current or previous academic year, serves or has served as an authorizing body (as that term is defined in section 501 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.501,) shall submit a report to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees and the Michigan Department of Education no later than December 1 of each year.

Grand Valley State University is a state public university whose governing Board of Trustees serves as a charter authorizing body as that term is defined in MCL 380.501. As such, GVSU receives an appropriation under Section 236. This report contains all legally required information as well as
additional information pertinent to GVSU’s authorizing practices and the public school academies it charters. GVSU is proud to support Michigan students, families, and educators in our public school academies.

December 2024 Report

Page last modified March 7, 2025