Prescription Drop Off Box
The Grand Valley drop-off site will accept all medications, including controlled medicines.
Where is the Drop Off Box Located?
Allendale Campus

The drop off box on the Allendale Campus is located in the lobby of the Police Department in the Service Building.
Pew (Grand Rapids) Campus

The Pew Campus drop off box is located in the lobby of the police department at 609 Watson St SW.
What do I need to do before dropping my prescriptions off?
Please keep all medicines in their original container so they can be identified. Remove or black out any personal information. If you have large containers that do not fit in the box, please call the police department at (616) 331-3255.
Why should I drop off my medication?

It's important to properly dispose of medicines so they don't contaminate the water system. A study of the Great Lakes in 2013 (Blair et al.) shows that when medicines are flushed down the toilet, they're often not filtered from the water at treatment plants because most of the treatment facilities aren't designed to screen for the specific chemicals. Water can also break down medicines after they are dumped in a landfill, and they can seep into the ground water. A 2002 analysis by the U.S. Geological Survey showed that out of 139 streams and rivers in 30 states, about 80% of waterways tested had measurable concentrations of prescription and non-prescription drugs, steroids and reproductive hormones.
Additionally, keeping unused opioids and other prescription drugs in the home creates a serious health risk, especially if teens live with or visit you. According to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, a majority of abused prescription drugs were obtained from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet.
For more information, contact GVPD at (616) 331-3255.