Early Career Teacher Mentoring for First Year Teachers

Hear from BCPS and GVSU partners about our program!

The first years of teaching are often filled with challenges, and most early career teachers (ECT) face those challenges in relative isolation. The primary purpose of the BCPS/GVSU Mentoring Program is to provide personalized, non-evaluative support to first year ECTs in Battle Creek Public Schools.
Within the Mentoring Program, ECTs are matched with an experienced mentor who provides a range of services and supports designed to meet the individualized needs of each ECT. Strong collaboration and communication ensure a personalized approach.
Specifically, each ECT meets with his or her mentor to set initial goals for the year, plan for the launch of the school year, and schedule the first few visits. Mentors visit the ECTs’ classrooms over the course of the year. During the visits, mentors provide a range of services and supports, including but not limited to the following:
Example Classroom Supports:
- Co-teaching
- Model teaching
- Small group instruction for the purposes of learning about students
- One-on-one instruction for the purposes of learning about students
- Rehearsals of instructional and behavioral interventions
- Assistance with class-wide assessments
Example Coaching Supports:
- Observations of teaching with immediate feedback
- Co-planning of lessons
- Rehearsals of instructional and behavioral interventions
- Preparation for professional collaborations
- Brainstorming or suggesting interventions or approaches
Example Planning Supports:
- Identifying needed materials and support
- Reviewing lesson plans
- Co-analyzing student work and assessments
Upon completion of the program at the end of the academic year, ECTs will receive a $500 stipend.
First year early career teachers (ECTs) also participate in a Professional Learning Community, meeting monthly for a total of 10 clock hours over the academic year with their peers and lead GVSU mentors. Teachers will receive 10 SCECHs if they attend all ten of the PLC sessions.
To learn more about the BCPS/GVSU Mentoring Program, please contact Liz Winter at [email protected] or Dr. Sarah Cox at [email protected].