One of the best ways to learn how to advance education is through collaboration. The eLearning team facilitates a variety of campus activities to assist faculty in the creation of the next generation of teaching and learning. This page highlights key areas of activities.

Teaching and Learning with Technology Symposium & Technology Test Kitchen
One of the best ways to enhance your teaching and determine the impact of teaching and learning with technology is to look for examples and to learn from others. There is no better place for this than the annual Teaching and Learning with Technology Symposium. This event brings together faculty from across the campus to share how they are using technology to advance their teaching and improve student learning.

Online and Hybrid Faculty Learning Communities
eLearning's IDeL group facilitates Online and Hybrid Faculty Learning Communities, monthly university-wide teaching circles focusing on leveraging technology to support high quality distance education at GVSU.

In the month of May, during the SPRING TECHEXPO, the eLearning team provides over 25 sessions on a variety of topics designed to help improve student success with technology.

#EdTech Summer Teaching Institute
Offered in the summer, the #EdTech Summer Teaching Institute is a 2 day series of hands-on workshops, discussions, and shared reflections all centered on the use of emerging teaching practices and technologies to support effective teaching. Time is structured for faculty to attend workshops, exchange ideas, as well as dedicate work time to strengthening the quality of teaching at GVSU!

Accessibility Competition
Sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and eLearning and Emerging Technologies in Information Technology, CLAS units and faculty will use Blackboard Ally to compete to create the most accessible content in courses to support student success, inclusive education, and universal design for learning principles.
The unit with the highest percent improvement will receive a one-time $1,000 student scholarship in their name. In the first year for this competition, the Department of Classics was the award winner!
Learn more on the Blackboard Ally - Student Scholarship Competition page.
Seminars and Workshops
The eLearning team provides faculty professional development opportunities through a wide array of seminars and workshops.
Registration for seminars is available through the Sprout system at GVSU.
College, School, and Department Meetings
We come to you and your event, committee, meeting, or meet up!
Some of the groups we regularly meet with include:
- College of Education Big Bytes
- Kirkhof College of Nursing Big Bytes
- Seidman College of Business Technology Advisory Group
New Faculty Orientation
The eLearning team assists in the new faculty orientation process, highlighting a variety of instructional technologies, including:
- Blackboard
- Blackboard Collaborate
- Blackboard Ally
- Panopto
- and more!