EMC Certificate Course

This two-day hands-on course presents the fundamental principles of electromagnetic compatibility and signal integrity.

Numerous measurements and demonstrations reinforce the course topics.

The course is intended for both the practicing professionals and the new engineers entering the field. 


Course Dates/Times:     April & October (Thursday and Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 p.m.)

Next Course Offering:   April 24-25, 2025

Course Location:           GVSU EMC Center, 227 Winter Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504

Course Fee:                   $1,250. Payment required prior to course. Course notes included.

Course Presenter:         Dr. Bogdan Adamczyk

Course Content Overview - Registration for April 2025

Thursday Morning Session I (8:30 - 10:00 am)

Frequency Spectra of Digital Signals

Frequency content of digital signals, effect of the rise time on spectral content, spectral bounds, and bandwidth of digital signals.

Measurement - frequency content of clock signals.

Electromagnetic Wave Propagation

Electrical length and wavelength, skin depth and high-frequency currents, skin depth and shielding.

Measurement - Skin depth and shielding

Transmission Lines, Voltage and Current Waves

Wire-type and PCB-type transmission lines,transmission line effects, and voltage and current waves along the transmission line.

Measurement – Transmission line effects

Thursday Morning Session II (10:15 - 11:45 am)

Transmission Line Reflections at a Resistive Load and at a Discontinuity

Reflections at a resistive load and at a discontinuity, ringing on transmission lines, and matching schemes to reduce reflections.

Measurement - Reflections at a resistive load and at a discontinuity

Transmission Line Reflections at the Reactive Loads

Reflections at a pure capacitive load, and at RC load.  Reflections at a pure inductive load, and at RL load.

Measurements - Reflections at the Reactive Loads

Eye Diagram and High Speed Signal Integrity

Eye diagram parameters, impact of the driver, HDMI cable, and the receiver.

Measurement results: High speed signal integrity and eye diagram

Thursday Afternoon Session I (1:15 - 2:45 pm)

 Crosstalk between PCB Traces

Electric and magnetic field coupling between circuits, mutual capacitance and mutual inductance, and a circuit model of crosstalk

 Measurement – Crosstalk between PCB traces

Crosstalk and Signal Integrity

Impact of the signal parameters, circuit topology, and guard trace on crosstalk in time domain

Measurement – Time domain impact of the circuit topology and guard trace

Crosstalk and Near Field Radiation

Impact of the signal parameters, circuit topology, and guard trace on crosstalk in frequency domain

Measurement Results: Crosstalk and near field radiation

Thursday Afternoon Session II (3:00-4:30 pm)

Common Impedance Coupling

Common impedance coupling between circuits, impact of the return path impedance, and the return current level

Measurement - Impact of the return path impedance and current levels on audio and video circuitry

Non-Ideal Behavior of Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, and PCB Traces

Non-ideal models of passive circuit components and a PCB trace.  Impact of a PCB trace length on impedance of passive circuit components

Measurement – Impedance of a resistor, capacitor, inductor, and a PCB trace

Impact of Trace Length and Decoupling Capacitors on Signal Integrity

Impact of a trace length and decoupling capacitors on signal integrity in a CMOS inverter circuit

Measurement – Impact of trace length and decoupling capacitors

Friday Morning Session I (8:30 - 10:00 am)

 Impact of Decoupling Capacitors and Trace Length on Radiated Emissions

Radiated emissions in monopole, biconical, and log-periodic antenna range

Measurement results: Radiated emissions

Impact of Decoupling Capacitors and Trace Length on Conducted Emissions

Conducted emissions in monopole, biconical, and log-periodic antenna range

Measurement results: Conducted emissions

Decoupling Capacitors and Embedded Capacitance

Impact of both decoupling capacitors and embedded capacitance on PDN impedance, and impact of capacitor spacing and power-ground planes spacing.

Measurement - Decoupling capacitors and planes impact on impedance

Friday Morning Session II (10:15 - 11:45 am)

Insertion Loss and EMC Filter Configurations

Insertion loss of a filter and impact of the source and load impedances on the filter effectiveness.

Measurement - Insertion loss of a filter

EMC Filter Comparisons

Comparison of the insertion losses of different filter configurations

Measurement - Comparison of insertion losses

Correlation between Insertion Loss and Input Impedance

Measurement - Comparison of input impedances

Friday Afternoon Session I (1:15 - 2:45 pm)

Alternative Paths of the Return Current

Alternative paths of the low and high-frequency return currents. Impact of discontinuities on the current return path.

Measurement - Return current and impact of discontinuities


Reference Plane Current Distribution

Return current distribution on a microstrip and stripline PCB configurations

Measurement - Simulation results - PCB current distributions 

Differential-Mode and Common-Mode Currents

Differential-mode currents vs common-mode currents, common-mode creation, common-mode choke, controlling differential- and common-mode emissions.

Measurement - Differential and common-mode currents emitted by a SMPS

Friday Afternoon Session II (3:00 - 4:30 pm)

Radiated and Conducted Emission Regulations and Testing

Semi-anechoic chamber and OATS radiated emissions measurement methods, voltage method and current probe method of conducted emissions measurements.

EMC lab tour and measurement - Radiated and conducted emissions

Radiated and Conducted Immunity Regulations and Testing

Semi-anechoic chamber and reverberation chamber radiated immunity methods, and Bulk Current Injection (BCI) conducted immunity methods.

EMC lab tour and measurement - Radiated and conducted immunity

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Immunity Regulations and Testing

ESD gun and RC networks, contact and air discharge methods, direct and indirect application of the discharge.

EMC lab tour measurement – ESD immunity


For additional information contact Prof. Adamczyk at [email protected], (616) 331 - 7286

Dr. Adamczyk

Dr. Bogdan Adamczyk is professor and director of the EMC Center at Grand Valley State University where he develops EMC educational material and teaches university EM/EMC courses and EMC certificate courses for industry. He is an iNARTE certified EMC Master Design Engineer. Prof. Adamczyk is the author of two textbooks: “Foundations of Electromagnetic Compatibility with Practical Applications” (Wiley, 2017) and “Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility: Laboratory Exercises and Lectures” (Wiley, 2024). He has taught numerous EMC courses for industry and has authored over 100 publications on EMC education, measurement, and testing, and presented hardware demonstrations at several IEEE EMC Symposia. Since January 2017 he has been writing a monthly column “EMC Concepts Explained” for In Compliance magazine, http://incompliancemag.com/


"Excellent material, great cadence of the topics, best class on EMC that I have attended"

"Helped reinforce my understanding of EMC"

"Pace was just right. Definitely helped support better understanding of EMC"

"Design engineers would highly benefit from these courses"

"This course will greatly help me in designing trouble-free EMC robust electronic modules"

"Instructor has excellent subject knowledge"

"Prof. Adamczyk’s presentation style was excellent. I would have loved to have him as a teacher in college"

"Very refreshing and motivating way to teach EMC applications"

Page last modified November 21, 2024