Membership in a professional organization:
- Records: MACRAO & AACRAO
- Financial Aid: MSFAA, MASFAA, NASFAA
- TRIO: Priorities
- Many of these organizations offer conferences & learning opportunities.
- This is just a short list of all the professional organizations that exist for higher ed professionals. Here are longer lists to browse:
- Additional Membership Opportunities:
Citizens (a bank and private loan lender) offers great professional development to all staff members of the university – and not necessarily all related to financial aid:
Get involved in your community
- Become a board member of an organization in your community
- Many trainings offered online, some are free ( and some are for purchase
- Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce
- Grand Rapids Toastmasters
- Schools, local organizations, nonprofit organizations, and places of worship are all good places to look for involvement & growth opportunities