Study Abroad
There are countless opportunities to study or intern throughout the world with a focus on the environment and sustainability. Maybe you want to work on water supply and sanitation in Ghana; sustainable landscape planning in the Netherlands, restoration ecology in Ecuador or Peru; rainforest conservation in Brazil; or sustainable energy in China. In our globalizing world, the barriers to sustainability are vast. Consider studying abroad; Develop an international lens on environmental challenges while earning credit towards your degree in another country!
Academic Advice
- Students may take courses studying abroad that satisfy electives for the ENS major or minor or fulfill General Education requirements. It is recommended that you begin planning at least six months in advance.
- Consider fulfilling your General Education Issues requirement abroad. Find out how!
- Restrictions: Students must take ENS 201 and ENS 401 at GVSU.
- Students participating in a Partnership or non-GVSU program will either register for courses that have been pre-approved or will go through a course equivalency process.
- Students do not need to speak a foreign language in order to study in a country where English is not the official language.
- ENS faculty encourage students pursuing an ENS major or minor to participate in programs that include field work and community engagement. Internships, independent or faculty-led research, and volunteering are also encouraged.
- An internship abroad will not only give students experience and insights into their specific field of interest, but it will also help them develop valuable cross-cultural competency and skills.
- Experiences abroad create valuable networking opportunities.
Keep in Mind
- Follow the Step-by-Step Guide established by the Padnos International Center to begin your study abroad quest.
- Students are not limited to GVSU study abroad programs. Be sure to explore both GVSU and non-GVSU options.
- There are several opportunities to intern and/or volunteer while abroad as well.
- Study abroad advisors in the Padnos International Center are available to walk you through the study abroad process and help you prepare for your trip.
- Students typically pay for study abroad through a combination of financial aid, scholarship, grants and personal funds. Study abroad costs vary depending on the program a student selects. While some programs are more expensive, the majority of programs are similar to what you would spend at GVSU and some may even be less. Here are some Funding FAQs.
- Once you have selected, applied for, and been accepted into a program, be sure to meet with your ENS faculty advisor and study abroad advisor at least three months prior to departing for your program.
Study Abroad Programs
Barbara and Stuart Padnos International Center
130 Lake Ontario Hall
Allendale, MI 49401
[email protected]
Phone: (616) 331-3898