Basic Bike Maintenance Workshop: Fix A Flat

Thursday, March 13, 2025
5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Allendale Campus

GVSU does a great job keeping the sidewalks clear throughout the winter, allowing for year-round riding. Even if you're a fair-weather biker, warmer days will be here before you know it! We probably don't have to tell you but bikes are much more fun to ride when they're working properly and we believe that everyone should know how to do a few basic things. Not only can this knowledge keep you out of a tight spot you when you're out riding around, it can prevent costly shop bills. 

These maintenance workshops are designed to stack multiple skill sessions back-to-back so you can a la carte your way to nearly a full bike tune-up. These workshops will be offered on the 2nd Thursday of each month starting in February.

Due to limited space and resources, RSVP is required. Outdoor Adventures will provide necessary tools and plans to have practice bikes/ parts available to the greatest extent possible.

Other bike maintenance workshops you may be interested in which will also take place on the same date (additional RSVP required).

  1. Brakes: inspecting, adjusting, & replacing rim-type brakes (as opposed to disc brakes)
  2. Shifters: basic derailleur adjustments


RSVP for this event

This event is recurring on Thursday, April 10, 2025.

Location Information

Ravines Center
Bike Maintenance Area (first room on the right)

Download parking map for the Allendale Campus

Contact Information

[email protected]


dsa outdooradventures recwell

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This event was added to the calendar by Joseph Bitely ( on Friday, January 10, 2025 at 8:56 a.m.