Public Gathering Space/Expressive Activity
The Cook Carillon Tower and the Transformational Link are the two locations on Grand Valley State University’s campus that permit Expressive Activity, this includes:
- Meetings and other group activities of students and student organizations
- Speeches, performances, demonstrations, rallies, vigils, and other events by students, student organizations, and outside groups invited by student organizations
- Distributions of literature, such as leafleting and distributing pamphlets
- Any other expression protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
Quick Points
- There is no cost for Expressive Activity in our Public Gathering Spaces. The Cook Carillon Tower has three locations where Expressive Activity may take place. The Transformation Link has one location where Expressive Activity may take place.
- Space may be reserved by contacting Event Services.
- A reservation will take precedence over a spontaneous Expressive Activity. Reservation requests will be processed and granted on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Expressive Activity must adhere to the rules outlined in the Grounds and Facility Usage Policy.
- Visit the Expressive Activity page for more information.
- Expressive Activities must stay within 50 feet of each of these landmarks. For the Cook Carillon Tower, that is the outer edge of the circle of bricks. For the Transformational Link, that is to the inside edge of the octagon of bricks. Maps are provided below for reference.
Cook Carillon Tower

Transformational Link

Event Services is a part of the Office of Student Life, which is a department of the Division of Student Affairs of Grand Valley State University.